Category Archives for Health

Warning: 5G May Cause Cancer

Warning-5G may cause cancer

5G is basically the fifth generation of mobile technology, which implies several benefits for users, such as the increase in browsing speeds, transmission and faster downloading of information. It also offers better connectivity, greater capacity and reduction in latency (time it takes for devices to communicate with each other).

These substantial technological improvements are key in integrated applications, such as robotics, autonomous driving cars and medical devices, whose pillar will be the use of higher frequency bandwidths of the radiofrequency spectrum.

In the US, the Federal Communications Commission has auctioned the first 28 gigahertz (GHz) bandwidth, which will form the 5G network, with higher bandwidth auctions scheduled for later this year.

In parallel, the use of electromagnetic radiation by this technology has rekindled concerns about its potential damage to human health.

The established biological effect of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is the increase in temperature of tissues exposed to high doses of the same, which can cause burns. But mobile devices emit low levels of RF-EMF.

 According to IARC: RF-EMF is "possibly carcinogenic to humans".

A group of 30 international scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) - part of the WHO - met to assess the risk of developing cancer as a result of RF-EMF exposure of the cell phone, specifically glioma, a cancer of the central nervous system. Their research was published in The Lancet Oncology, whose conclusion was that in view of the limited evidence in humans and experimental animals, it classified the RF-EMF as "possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B)", into which they enter various substances for everyday use, including some polluting foods and gases.

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The high frequency radiations of the 5G technology have a shorter range of range than the low frequency waves – dense networks that allow the transmission of the RF-EMF spectrum should be built, which will lead to the emergence of new base stations all over the world.

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Cannabis Oil Effectively Replaced Twenty Seizures Pills For This Little Boy

Cannabis Oil Effectively Replaced Twenty Seizures Pills For This Little Boy

A history of family suffering from epilepsy that is repeated thousands of times in the world, but where very few dare to replace drugs with medical cannabis. The inefficiency and side effects of some traditional medications and treatments of this disease is the last resort for most people.

Jayden David was a healthy child when he was born, always smiling – around his fourth month of age everything began to change. The child began to experience abnormal, excessive and synchronous neuronal activity in his brain. It suddenly made him start experiencing epileptic seizures.

His parents consulted doctors and specialists and they tried to find a way to eliminate the symptoms of the baby with the prescription of drugs. That was the beginning of a long, dark and winding path of little David Jayden towards the pills.

Even the doctors' good intentions could not dominate the violent attacks – pharmaceutical science did not work out. The large number of drugs to fight seizures never allowed the child's body to heal in an innate way. With each visit to the doctor more medications were prescribed, but the seizures never disappeared and his condition worsened, while his small body was forced to fight the side effects of several medications.

None of the pharmaceuticals helped. The fight changed everything for the family. Little David Jayden grew up taking up to 22 prescription medications a day. He even became addicted to a horrible class of medications called benzodiazepines. The drugs made Jayden experience hallucinations and attacks of screaming and insomnia.

His condition varied from uncontrolled jerky movements, to a momentary loss of consciousness. It was difficult to differentiate the disease from an attack from a side effect. Children who experience these attacks of abnormal neuronal activity are labeled as having a predisposition to epilepsy, but very little research actually investigates what causes this abnormal neuronal activity in the brain. They wondered if the aluminum adjuvant was involved, causing the seizures to start and persist. Perhaps the child had a predisposition to the negative effects of aluminum on his activity of neurons in the brain.

As soon as the CBD was administered, the child's constant seizures stopped. The father then began to take his son away from prescription medications. With the use of CBD oil, the child went from taking 22 pills a day and having constant seizures, to only two pills a day, in addition to regaining control of his physical body and mood.

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Why Being Near Water Could Be the Key to Happiness According to Research

Near Water Could Be the Key to Happiness

According to the author and marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, living near water can help you promote your level of happiness, satisfaction with life and mental health. It could be any water body, such as sea, river, lake or ocean. He wrote everything in his book, Blue Mind.

Much has been romanticized in movies and television series about the beautiful images and lifestyle living by the sea and the happiness associated with it, but is there any truth in this?

According to marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, living near a large body of water, be it a river, the sea or a lake, improves our happiness level and mental health.

The author points out that we enter a state of meditation just by being near, in or under water. It is the perfect antidote for the super connected life we ​​lead today.

Water helps raise the level of happiness because it "lowers levels of stress and anxiety, and increases the sense of well-being and happiness. In addition, it slows the heart rate and breathing, increases safety and improves exercise performance. Therapists now seek to work with water to treat addictions, anxiety disorders, autism and other things”, says Nichols.

For this reason, we are probably willing to pay more for a room with an ocean view, or a house near a lake. Being near the water also increases people's creativity and conversation skills, and helps us sleep better.

Even if you’re in a reverie about travelling around the world visiting gorgeous islands with warm sand and crystal blue water, it can give you a sense of calm and serenity. Therefore, it shouldn’t surprise you that sitting next to a pristine body of water really has some pretty fantastic wellness benefits.

As Nichols pointed out, research demonstrates his theory that being close to water can help us all achieve "high and sustained happiness."

"There is some research that says people can sleep better when they are adjacent to nature," said W. Christopher Winter, MD, author of The Sleep Solution. "It is not surprising that sleeping machines always have the sounds of rain, ocean or a flowing river."

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He Donated Blood Every Week For 60 Years And Saved The Lives Of 2.4 Million Babies

He donated blood every week for 60 years and saved the lives of 2.4 million babies

Known as 'the man with the golden arm', James Harrison, an 81-year-old Australian, donated almost every week for the past 60 years, and recently he "retired," closing a life-saving story. of more than 2.4 million babies.

In full knowledge of the exceptional value of his blood, Harrison donated 1,100 times, and with this he helped develop the Anti-D injection, a key medicine in the fight against Rhesus disease, since his blood plasma contains unique antibodies.

According to the Australian Red Cross Service, until 1967, thousands of women experienced abortions and babies were born with brain damage for unknown reasons, but then it was known that the disease that afflicted them was Rhesus disease. It is a blood disorder in which the blood of the pregnant woman (Rh negative) attacks the red blood cells of her fetus (Rh positive, inherited from the father), causing brain damage or death.

Thanks to Harrison, Australia was one of the first countries to discover a blood donor with the antibody that allowed them to develop the Anti-D injection, which prevents women with Rh-negative blood from developing RhD antibodies during pregnancy.

The Australian attributes that the uniqueness of his blood is due to the 13 units of blood plasma he received as a donation, when he was only 14 years old, due to an operation in which a lung was removed.

"When I left the operation, or a couple of days later, my father explained to me what had happened. He said that I had received 13 units of blood and that unknown people had saved my life. He himself was a donor, so he I said that when I was old enough, I would become a blood donor, " Harrison said, who also benefited from his donation to have his own daughter receive the Anti-D vaccine.

For his thousands of donated units, and for the millions of lives he saved, James Harrison received the Medal of the Order of Australia and is considered a national hero in his country.

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Nine Year Study Finally Explains the Relationship Between Sugar and Cancer

Nine Year Study Finally Explains the Relationship Between Sugar and Cancer

Back in the early twentieth century, the German scientist Otto Warburg discovered that cancer cells produce energy by very fast glycolysis (breaking down glucose without oxygen to produce lactic acid or lactate as one of the products). But real energy (in the form of ATP molecules) is obtained very little, and about 70 percent of glucose is spent on the production of lactate.

In the cells of a rapidly developing cancerous tumor, the level of glycolysis can be 200 times higher than in normal tissues. A future Nobel Prize winner suggested that it is this metabolic disorder that is the main cause of cancer.

Today, science knows that cancer causes mutations in certain genes, and it is from this side that most researchers are now trying to approach the problem, undeservedly pushing older methods to the background.

The fact is that although the Warburg effect is still widely used to detect tumors, its role in the development of cancer remained unclear. But now the results of a new study finally shed light on how sugar nourishes cancer cells, making treatment difficult.

In 2008, a coalition of Dutch and Belgian universities began their great work to find out why a tumor converts much more sugar into lactate than healthy cells. In particular, scientists were looking for a connection between glucose and the Ras gene family, errors in which lead to tumor development and the formation of metastases.

Professor Johan Teveleyn of the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) and his colleagues have worked with yeast cultures, which, as well as people, have the Ras genes. Researchers have chosen primitive unicellular organisms so as not to be distracted by the numerous regulatory processes that take place in mammalian cells.

As reported in an article published in the journal Nature Communications, the breakdown of sugar in yeast and cancer cells occurs stepwise through the formation of a substance called fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. During high-speed glycolysis, it accumulates a lot, and it activates Ras-proteins, which stimulate enhanced reproduction of both types of cells.

The authors of the work also believe that the results of their research not only hint at the need for changes in the diet of cancer patients, but also once again indicate the danger of sugar consumption in general.

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Increase Health Benefits Of Exercise By Working Out Before Breakfast

Increase health benefits of exercise by working out before breakfast

A group of scientists from the UK conducted an experiment that showed that if a person does exercise before breakfast, he can burn 20% more fat tissue. Sports in the morning on an empty stomach not only increases the effectiveness of training, but also reduces appetite during the day. Meanwhile, exposing yourself to such physical exertion still needs to be done with caution.

The study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, was led by Dr. Emma Stevenson and graduate student Javier Gonzalez of the University of Northumbria. They asked 12 physically active male volunteers to perform treadmill exercises at 10 a.m. At the same time, some participants did this on an empty stomach, while others did it after breakfast.

After classes, all participants were offered a restorative milkshake – for lunch, subjects were asked to eat pasta. They had to be eaten until saturation was felt. Then the scientists calculated the number of calories that the participants received, as well as the calories that they burned in the morning on a sports simulator - a treadmill.

Researchers found that those who ran on an empty stomach did not seek to eat more during the day. Their appetite did not increase, despite the fact that they did not have breakfast.

The same participants burned 20% more adipose tissue compared to other subjects.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that doing exercises on an empty stomach provides the most desirable result for those who want to lose weight and keep fit.

“We already knew that if a person plays sports on an empty stomach, then during exercise, he burns more adipose tissue. We wanted to find out if the subjects will need more food during the day to offset the costs, says Mr. Gonzalez to RBC daily. - As it turned out, nothing of the kind happens. We plan to continue work on the study in the future, as we received data in one day. Now it remains to be seen whether our conclusions are valid for a longer period - a week and a month.”

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Mold Toxicity: A Common Cause Of Psychiatric Symptoms

Mold Toxicity

Mold disease is a widespread but rarely diagnosed disease that can manifest itself in a variety of ways, including purely psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, impaired attention, blurred consciousness and insomnia. Only 25% of the population are at risk of being susceptible to mold toxicity, and in most cases, they have a genetic predisposition to inhibit biotoxin clearance. A family can live in the same house, but only one family member will get sick. This is because that person is the only person with genetic vulnerability.

Mold thrives in of water - for example, the basement and bathrooms that are not ventilated. Generally, all molds are irritating to different degrees (eyes, throat, nose) and cause allergic reactions.

Some molds, however, are more harmful than others. For example, mold families like Penicillium or Aspergillus are known to have many of their members generating mycotoxins that may have a greater effect on the health of the occupants. The following can have an impact on the health of the family:

  • Trichoderma harzianum
  • Stachybotrys chartarum
  • Penicillium cyclopium
  • Penicillium citrinum
  • Penicillium chrysogenum
  • Aspergillus versicolor
  • Aspergillus niger
  • Aspergillus fumigatus
  • Aspergillus flavus
  • Alternaria alternata

Cladosporium Cladosporioides is a common mold found in homes. Places such as a dirty ventilation system that have accumulated dust and moisture for many years are also susceptible to mold. Sometimes mold gets into a house with raw wood or building materials.

Toxins accumulate in the body, continuing to be harmful for a long time after contact with mold. The first thing you still need to determine where the mold is and get it out of your way.

Keep in mind that an allergy to mold is not the same as a mold disease. Allergies are caused by mold spores that enter the body when inhaled. Toxic mold emits toxic fumes, which can cause a chronic inflammatory reaction in those who are exposed to them.

Here are the most common symptoms of mold disease:

  • Blurred vision.
  • Confusion.
  • Cough.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Difficulty remembering words.
  • Disorientation.
  • Dizziness.
  • Drops in appetite.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Increased urination.
  • Joint pain.
  • Lacrimation.
  • Lower learning.
  • Memory losses.
  • Metallic aftertaste.
  • Mood swings.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Numbness.
  • Photosensitivity.
  • Problems with concentration.
  • Redness of the eyes.
  • Runny nose.
  • Skin sensitivity.
  • Static shock.
  • Stiff muscles.
  • Stitching pains.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Sweating (especially at night).
  • Temperature changes.
  • Discomfort.
  • Tingling.
  • Tremor.
  • Unusual pains.
  • Weakness.

Fortunately, mold disease is treatable. Treatment can take a long time because it requires thoroughness. It is recommended to take coal and clay, which remove mycotoxins from the body as well as probiotics.

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Want to Raise Smart, Kind Kids? Science Says Do This Every Day

Want to Raise Smart-Kind Kids

It does not take much time!

Reading is the best exercise for the brain, and experts recommend that children read when they are in their mother’s stomach. The book not only helps to develop vocabulary, literacy and thinking in a child, it always brings with it countless discoveries, impressions and a new world. Therefore, parents try to read as much as possible to young children, they are happy to buy books and magazines for them.

In 2018, in a national study of children from 6 to 17 years old and their parents devoted to reading, it was found that 59% of parents read to children from birth to 5 years old, but only 38% read from 5 to 8 years old, and only 17 % of parents continue to read to children between the ages of 9 and 11. However, most children between the ages of 6 and 11 (and most parents) say that they like reading aloud.

This is why reading aloud at least 10-15 minutes a day is good for children:

1.  Increasing vocabulary.

Children who are read aloud find more words than in ordinary colloquial speech, and they learn how to recognize and pronounce them. Studies show that a large vocabulary seriously affects school success.

2. Improving understanding.

When children are actively included in the story, they better understand what is happening. By following the plot, you can check to see if your child understands what is happening. Ask him what will happen next, what he thinks about the heroes and their actions.

3. Strengthening ties between parents and children.

Minutes together and warm memories of how beloved parents read interesting stories can breathe a love of reading for life.

4. The best role models are created.

Children learn through observation and imitation. Reading aloud helps them hear how the language sounds. You can be an example of how to analyze history and how to determine the meaning of words using context hints.

5. Improving listening skills.

Reading aloud fosters an understanding of the richness of the language and helps to develop children's hearing: it will be easier for the child to understand the instructions of school teachers. It is known that a child’s reading level does not match his listening skills until around eighth grade.

Do you read aloud to children?

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A big study reveals the Safe Limit of Coffee You Should Drink Each Day to avoid Health Dangers

study reveals the Safe Limit of Coffee You Should Drink Each Day to avoid Health Dangers

Drinking coffee is not bad for your health and could even extend your life expectancy. However, there’s one one condition: do not consume more than five cups a day.

Good news for fans of coffee: drinking coffee is not as bad as it was long thought. The better news is that its consumption is associated with a reduction in mortality and up to two years of life expectancy, provided that it is not abused.

A decrease in the risk of death

This is the conclusion of a recent study published in The European Journal of Epidemiology led by researchers at Kyung Hee University in Seoul, South Korea, and by the Department of Nutrition and Epidemiology at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston. The study builds on 40 previous studies of the link between mortality and coffee consumption. In total, the data of 4 million participants were screened.

The authors of the study concluded that consuming two to four cups of coffee - even decaffeinated - a reduced risk of death by a day was associated compared to people not drinking coffee. In detail, moderate consumption of coffee reduces the risk of death from heart disease by 17%, the risk of death from diabetes by 24% and the risk of cancer by 4%.

This conclusion is similar to that of a previous meta-analysis conducted in 2017 by researchers at the University of Edinburgh and published in the BMJ. They said that drinking three to four cups of coffee daily reduced the risk of death and heart disease. According to them, this reasonable consumption is also associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, diabetes, liver disease and dementia. Researchers even tout the benefits of Parkinson's disease, depression and Alzheimer's disease.

Moderate consumption

Be careful, however, not to exceed five cups of coffee a day. In another study, this time conducted by South Australia University and published in early March in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers studied data from 347,077 people aged 37 to 73 years and concluded that drinking more five coffees a day increases the risk of getting involved in various cardiovascular diseases by as much as 22%. It was concluded that excess caffeine promotes high blood pressure.

"If you want to maintain and reach a healthy blood pressure and heart rate, it is important that you limit the use of your coffee and try to never exceed six cups of coffee in a day." According to our data, the critical point was the threshold point where caffeine began to have a negative effect about cardiovascular risk, "explains Dr. Elina, co-author of the work.

In a report, the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) advises healthy adults not to exceed the consumption of 400 mg of caffeine per day, throughout the day i.e. about three cups of coffee. In pregnant and lactating women, this caffeine intake should not exceed 200 mg per day.

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Processed Food And Toxic Ingredients Cause Most Of The Cancer, New Research Reveals

Processed Food and Toxic Ingredients cause most of cancer

The greater the amount of processed foods in the diet, the greater the risk of developing cancer in general and breast cancer in particular.

Cancer prevention starts on your plate

The 'highly processed' foods are elaborated by industrial procedures from ingredients that are commercialized for their 'direct' consumption. They should not be cooked – just take them out of the bag or the can to use it. It’s something that can be very useful in the increasingly frenetic 'modern life', to the point that it is estimated that these ultra-processed foods account for up to 50% of all daily calories ingested in many Western countries. But there is a problem: these products cannot be considered 'foods' – they contain very high amounts of salt, fats and sugars and very low vitamins and fiber. At least in theory, they cannot be described as 'too' healthy. According to the research results, these ultra-processed foods are associated with an increased risk of cancer.

Ultra-processed and carcinogenic?

Ultra-processed foods include a wide range of fast-food products, such as snacks, sugary sodas, prepared foods, sugary cereals, industrial pastries and reconstituted meat products. Some 'foods', as some studies have warned, are associated with an increased risk of obesity, high blood pressure and hypercholesterolemia. However, it seems that the 'benefits' of these products do not end here. They could also cause cancer.

To carry out the study, the authors followed over a period of five years the evolution of 104,980 adults who, with an average age of 43 years and mostly women, making up to 78% of the total. They had responded to at least two questionnaires designed to quantify your consumption of 3,300 different foods.

The increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods can lead to an increase in the burden of cancer in the coming decades

The results showed that, regardless of other risk factors already known for cancer such as age, family history or level of physical exercise and smoking, the consumption of processed foods was associated with a higher probability of suffering from a disease. Specifically, each 10% increase in the percentage of processed foods in the diet was associated with a 12% increase in the risk of developing cancer in general and 11% in the probability of suffering from a breast tumor.

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