Category Archives for Health

Strong Beers Contain Bacteria Beneficial For Gut Flora

Strong Beers Contain Bacteria Beneficial For Gut Flora

Scientists have found that strong beers may have the gut-friendly bacteria just like yogurt.

Until a few years ago, scientists thought that alcohol was bad for our intestines. One study showed that regular alcohol drinkers had several gastrointestinal problems. However, today's scientists are coming back on this topic and even praising the beneficial side of strong beers on our gut microbiota.


Scientists say some beers can be "very healthy". They would have a more beneficial side to our intestines, thanks to the bacteria they contain.

This is what Professor Eric Claassen asserts. At an event organized by Yakult, manufacturer of probiotic drinks, the professor from the University of Amsterdam presented his point of view on the issue.

While most beers undergo only one fermentation process, Belgian beers undergo a fermentation twice. During this second fermentation, the use of yeasts produces toxic acids. These acids are toxic only for bacteria that are bad for the human intestines.


Whenever a person drinks a strong Belgian beer, such as a Hoegaarden, Westmalle Tripel or Echt Kriekenbier, it strengthens its intestinal flora. Acids in beer eliminate harmful bacteria in the intestines. However, for this to be truly beneficial, Eric Claassen says you have to drink in moderation. A strong beer a day, no more.

"In high concentrations, alcohol is of course bad for the intestine. But if you only drink one of these (strong) beers each day, it could be good for you", he says.

The high dose of alcohol produces large intestinal problems. But, according to Eric Claassen, a strong beer a day produces the same effect as a yogurt on your intestines. The good news is, it won’t be the only benefit that beer has for our body.

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MRI Reveals Brain Damage In Obese Teens

MRI Reveals Brain Damage In Obese Teen

Scientists have found that obesity can cause inflammation in the brain in adolescents. The results of the study were published as abstracts for the report at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

Obesity in young people and adolescents every year is becoming an increasingly serious problem in developed countries. According to the World Health Organization, in 1990 there were 32 million children under the age of five overweight or obese in the world, and in 2016, already 41 million. In the United States, the percentage of obese children and adolescents has more than tripled since the 1970s.

Usually, obesity is associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Scientists have identified another risk associated with overweight.

They used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), a type of MRI that monitors the diffusion of water along the brain tracts of white matter, to study the brains of 59 obese teenagers aged 12 to 16, and compared the images with 61 healthy teenagers from the control group.

The DTI method allowed researchers to evaluate the level of fractional anisotropy (FA) for various regions of the brain, a biochemical parameter that indicates the state of white matter: the lower it is, the wider the damage, the cause of which, as a rule, is inflammation.

The results showed a decrease in the FA values ​​in adolescents with obesity in areas located in the corpus callosum, the bundle of nerve fibers that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain, as well as in the middle orbitofrontal gyrus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for emotional control and reward patterns. In no area of ​​the brain in patients with obesity have an increased level of FA.

“Brain changes found in adolescent obesity are associated with important regions responsible for controlling appetite, emotion, and cognitive function”, explained the first author of the study.

Scientists have found that changes correlate with a marker of inflammation such as leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells that helps regulate energy levels and fat stores. In some obese people, the brain does not respond to leptin, and they continue to eat, despite a sufficient or already excess supply of fat. This condition, known as leptin resistance, causes fat cells to produce even more leptin.

The deterioration of the white matter was also associated with the level of insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas that helps regulate blood sugar levels. Obese people often suffer from insulin resistance. A condition in which the body is resistant to the effects of the hormone leads to the development of type 2 diabetes.

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Napping More Can Help Boost Brain Health, Heart Health And Much More!

Napping Can Help Boost Brain Health

A recent study published by Swiss researchers shows that a nap is good for the heart. This is another benefit added to the many others already discovered.

According to a scientific article published in the medical journal, napping would be beneficial for the heart. The article by four researchers at the University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, says that one to two naps a week would reduce the risk of heart problems and stroke.

Their work is based on a recent study of 3,500 Swiss adults who provided a wealth of data on their nap and sleep habits.

In the sample, 155 people had a heart problem in the years following the study. The results indicate that the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced by 48% among those who reported taking one to two naps a week, compared to those who do not take nap time.

Although the study does not confirm that napping promotes good heart health, it does provide additional information on the proven benefits of this brief sleep time.

Compensate for a lack of sleep

In 2015, a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, showed that even short naps were beneficial to health.

The study, conducted on men who slept only two hours in the night, shows that a lack of sleep affects the levels of interleukin-6, a protein with antiviral properties and contained in saliva. "This hormone had fallen sharply after a very short night, but had returned to normal levels after a nap. This result is all the more telling when we know that it can help you keep up with your sleep deprived routine.

Fights stress and restores your immune system

In the same study, scientists also observed that napping time restores the levels of hormones and proteins needed in the body to combat stress and restore the immune system to function properly. “Just a thirty-minute nap can reverse the bad impacts of sleep deprivation, such as compromised immunity and stress" stated one of the authors of the study.

Exercising one's memory

In 2013, the German researchers demonstrated that napping supports memory consolidation.

To carry out the study, twenty-four volunteers had to memorize fifteen pairs of cards with symbols on them. A second series to memorize was then presented forty minutes later to half of the subjects who were kept awake, and twelve other volunteers who took a short nap. Results? They remembered on average 85% of the cards, against only 60% for those who remained awake.

The nap would make it easier to "download" the memories in an area of ​​the brain where "they could no longer be scrambled by the new information processed in the hippocampus," said Susanne Diekelmann, head of the study.

Improve your work performance

Still taboo in the US, napping at work would undoubtedly improve work performance. "Ten to thirty minutes of napping can enhance performance, decrease fatigue, and help improve alertness" according to Jamie Gruman, professor of behavioral organization at the University of Guelph (Canada) in an article. "Many companies, like Ben & Jerry's, Zappos and Nike, allow employees to take a nap at work," says the specialist, who finds that the practice is still absent in the US companies – in Japan and China, the professional benefits of taking a nap are really considered and recognized.

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Why Cold Therapy Is The Best Thing You Could Do For Your Body?

When you don’t put something to use for a long time, it eventually loses the ability to work. Same goes for your body – it has to adapt. Your body adapts just like your muscles do – if you exercise, they get stronger.

Cold therapy or Cryotherapy has recently gained popularity and has become an alternative to sauna. In the US, spas that offer this effective cold therapy is becoming more fashionable than saunas.

If we don’t expose our body to temperature variations, it could turn our immune system into a weak, no-good mechanism – that’s why nature has different seasons throughout the year for us to benefit from these changes. As we are warm blooded beings, temperature is something that regulates every single chemical reaction in our body.

Cold therapy aids in improving immunity

There are many advantages of cold therapy. It boosts immunity by activating the lymph nodes. Cold water contracts the lymph nodes – as a result, lymphocytes flow out from them throughout our body, clearing the vessels off of any harmful toxins. In a study, volunteers who were told to spend two hours in a chamber at 5 degrees after exercise or a hot bath. The researchers monitored these participants and noted that the number of "killer cells", that protect us from diseases, increased in the blood.

Prevent DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

Ever wondered why athletes love bathing in a tub full of ice? It’s because the extreme cold helps in lowering the temperature of the damaged and constricts the blood vessels. It reduces inflammation and brings immediate relief to the over worked muscles.

Testimonial that cold therapy is effective

Wim Hof, a 58-year-old energetic Dutchman, traveled to the North Pole to beat the world record by holding his breath under the ice for six minutes and 20 seconds. He argues that we are not made for comfort. Our ancestors were hungry, cold and suffered during long walks outdoors, but they lived longer. Today, while we spend each day living in a perfect temperature, our immune system runs out of work to do – as a result, it goes crazy sometimes, attacking our healthy tissues with autoimmune diseases and chronic inflammation.

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Coffee Saves You From Hypertension And Type 2 Diabetes – Here’s What You Need To Know

Coffee Saves You From Hypertension

Good news for coffee addicts! According to a recent study, their favorite drink would reduce their risk of developing the metabolic syndrome (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, stroke). Drinking up to 4 cups of coffee a day would reduce the risk of having type 2 diabetes by 26%.

According to another study, there would be a link between coffee consumption and metabolic syndrome that increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, heart attacks, and long-term strokes. The antioxidant-filled polyphenols that coffee contains cuts down the risk of having this syndrome.

Researchers have discovered that coffee helps reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and even heart diseases. After examining several cases, they found that for each additional cup of coffee (up to six or eight cups a day), the risk of suffering from this type of illness decreases (up to 25%) despite what previous studies had concluded.

According to the authors, people drinking between 3 or 4 cups of coffee a day would see their risk of developing type 2 diabetes drop by 26% compared to those who drink less than two coffees a day. Also, they found this protective link between the drink and the reduced risks of metabolic syndrome in both men and women.

Coffee: beneficial effects up to 4 cups of coffee per day

This protective effect, presented at the 13th European Nutrition Conference organized by the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) in Dublin, would also be observed among decaffeinated drinkers.

Coffee and diabetes: polyphenols could be the cause of protective effects

After studying Polish and Italian cohort data, Professor Giuseppe Grosso of the University of Catania (Italy) considers that the polyphenols and antioxidants contained in coffee play a role in the prevention of the metabolic syndrome. It mainly puts forward phenolic acids and flavonoids.

The reviewed work also allows the scientist to make a connection between moderate consumption of coffee and reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Long-term coffee consumption is also associated with a lower risk of hypertension.

Several studies show that moderate coffee consumption is associated with reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. In short, drinking caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee is beneficial to health.

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Cannabidiol Named The 2019 Well-Being Product


2019 has been a revolutionary year in the health and well-being market. Ever since the Farm Bill 2018 was released, Cannabidiol or CBD has been a buzzword in the entire US market. By the end of this year, it has been named the 2019 well-being product. A study on NY Times highlights the amazing potential of CBD in the wellbeing market.

The evergreen product has been in the news forever, but there has always been some controversy around it. Why and how to use cannabidiol to benefit from it? Let’s find out.

More commonly known as CBD, this hemp extract overshadows the benefits of all plants together. From our bottles of anti-aging cream to our vegan plates, the CBD is everywhere. In California as well as Canada, the CBD has clearly stolen the show from its twin sister marijuana.

Moreover, in the face of the legal vacuum that surrounds it, the CBD should be able to be legally consumed in many countries. For better or for worse, the wellness market has found its new favorite.

CBD in alternative medicine

The therapeutic power of the CBD is now well established and even exceeds expectations. According to a study, the World Health Organization had already announced in 2018 a very important medical potential of the molecule, without it inducing a dependence or addiction. In fact, a study noted that it is even a great way to overcome drug addiction, such as opioids, cocaine and heroin.

Remember that the CBD is not a plant but a molecule from it without any psycho-activity or intoxication. Analysis of scientific research showed that CBD has a potential for Alzheimer’s, diabetes, insomnia, Crohn's disease, epilepsy, schizophrenia, psychotic disorders, pain and inflammation, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, addiction and depression – the list of diseases that can be treated through cannabidiol is already long and further studies are being conducted.

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Here’s How 15-Minutes Of Walking Drastically Change Your Body

15-Minutes Of Walking Drastically Change Your Body

We all know how regular physical exercises positively affect the body. It’s amazing for our mental, emotional and physical health.

Yet, most of us knowingly take walking and exercise for granted.

Professor Sanjaya Sharma from St. George's Hospital in London explains: “None of us can escape old age – this is the law of life. But each of us can push back the time when old age knocks on our door. We can look 50 at 70 years old and easily live up to 90 years and longer.

Exercise can prolong our life by 3-7 years. And believe me, this is a lot! Exercise is the best antidepressant and it significantly improves cognitive function. I'm not talking about what scientists have long proved: physical activity significantly slows down the development of dementia".

So, we’ve put together some of the indisputable advantages of daily walks!

1. Daily walks reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

A study by Harvard scientists confirmed that the risk of developing diabetes in women who walked for at least 30 minutes a day was 30% lower than the women who didn’t.

It was also found that daily walks significantly reduce the risk of abdominal fat, which often leads to diabetes.

2. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer's.

Scientists at the Department of Health at the University of Virginia found that men aged 71 to 93 who walked at least a quarter of a mile daily were twice as likely to suffer from Alzheimer's disease than those who preferred to doze off in front of a television or relax on a bench in the garden.

3. Normalizes blood pressure.

Researchers have proven that daily walks help normalize blood pressure.

4. Contributes to better digestion.

Tara Aleichem, a physiotherapist from the Cancer Center in the United States, claims that daily walking promotes good digestion.

5. Reduces pain and improve coronary artery disease.

The American Association of Cardiology has published studies that prove that daily walks improve mobility in people with coronary artery disease.

6. Strengthens the skeletal system.

People who stroll regularly have healthier teeth. Exercise strengthens the joints and significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis, fractures and spinal diseases.

7. Improves cognitive abilities.

Long-term studies have shown that regular walks increase cognitive abilities, both in adults and in children.

8. Promotes longevity.

Numerous experiments have proved that walks contribute to the duration and quality of life.

9. Enhances mood and optimism.

Studies were conducted that proved that daily walks for at least 20 minutes increase self-confidence, promote mindfulness and improve concentration. It’s also a great way to improve your mood and reduce irritability.

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Breathing Exercise To Kill Stress Like A Navy SEAL

Breathing Exercise To Kill Stress Like A Navy SEAL

We’re inspired by the two techniques used by the Navy SEALs, the main special operations force of the US Navy, to keep your body relaxed in high pressure situations. The first is called the tactical breathing, which is applied during the stressful moments of struggle or flight. It involves all respiratory muscles, from the chest to the belly.

We exhale deeply while placing the right hand on the belly. Then we inhale through the nose, slowly dragging the breath from the belly to the upper chest. Pause and exhale from the chest descending to the belly, imagining that the navel touches the spine. Keep repeating – exhale twice as long as you inhale.

The second technique proposed is called box breathing and elite soldiers use it to sharpen their concentration and remain calm in a stressful state. It involves inhaling, retaining, exhaling and retaining while following the same time pattern every time. It starts by breathing the air out of the chest and keeping the lungs empty while counting to four. Then the breathing begins, inhaling through the nose while we count to four and then drawing the air from the belly to the chest. The movement must feel fluid and free. In five minutes, the author assures that you will increase the strength of the breath by putting all the muscles involved in shape.

Controlling breathing is the fastest and most effective way to trigger a relaxation response, allowing us to think more clearly and perform better under pressure. We take better care of our phones than ourselves. If the battery turns red, we immediately stop and recharge; when our body that turns red, we keep pushing it. Living in the red zone means living in a state of exhaustion that makes us vulnerable to anxiety or depression. These little breaks to breathe help us recharge ourselves with energy.

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Sleep: The best “Detox” For Your Brain

Sleep The best For Your Brain

When you go to sleep, something much deeper happens than closing your eyes. The brain, through the glymphatic system, eliminates toxins a deep cleaning process. This cleaning could be the key to avoiding mental illness or cognitive impairment. Let’s look more into these interesting findings by some scientists from the Rochester Medical Center in the United States.

Sleep is one of the great pleasures of life and a necessity. Resting well every night is essential to live, replenish energy and give your body a chance to heal. Several studies have highlighted how sleep is important for memory, stress management, heart health, diabetes control, weight control and a beautiful skin.

Scientists have spent many years analyzing what happens when we close our eyes and temporarily disconnect from this world. A very interesting finding is a group of researchers from the Rochester Medical Center in New York – they discovered that during sleep the space between brain cells increases. This would allow a washing mechanism in the brain to eliminate toxins that accumulate during the hours we stay up.

The study, published in the journal Science and conducted in mice, shows the existence of a brain cleaning system and evidences the change in the brain's cellular structure during sleep.

When we sleep, we activate a kind of hydraulic system, which controls the flow of cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. This system, as observed in the experiment, triggers during sleep to allow fluid to circulate rapidly in the brain.

The research was conducted in a group of rats who had a dye injected into the fluid in the brain cavity to see how it circulated in the brain. Simultaneously, they monitored the brain’s electrical activity. The authors were surprised to see the difference in dye circulation during sleep. Specifically, it was found that the liquid circulated rapidly during the sleep phase.

Likewise, brain monitoring showed that the space between brain cells increased by 60 percent when the rats slept.

Previous studies have suggested that toxic molecules that play a determining role in the development of degenerative disorders of the brain accumulate in the space between brain cells. Interested in knowing what the role of the glymphatic system is in this process, the researchers studied mice with Alzheimer's disease to measure how long it lasted in the brain while they were asleep and awake. It was observed that the protein disappeared quickly in the mice when they were asleep, which suggests that sleep cleans toxins from the brain while resting.

 These results open new doors to important findings about the development of neurological disorders. The cells that regulate the glymphatic system could be the center of attention when treating a wide variety of mental illnesses.

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Cold Showers Work Way Better Than Caffeine

Cold Showers

No one likes to shower with cold water and yet it can change your life. Among its great benefits is its power against aging.  In addition, it helps you lose weight, improves depression states (as endorphins increase) and helps improve productivity. Of course, you have to do it first thing in the morning for best results.

If you want to remember that pleasant feeling we have after exercising seriously, when you feel the blood flow and the skin shine, take a good cold shower to start the day. You may think that this statement is exaggerated, but it is not, or at least that is what the supporters of "cold therapy" advocate.

How to start this morning ritual?

The first ten days of this therapy can start with 2 minutes under cold water. You will see that you will feel a feeling of happiness and adrenaline. Once past the first ten days, you will begin to enjoy this healthy torture: it is similar to when you start physical activity and, although you know that the beginning will cost you a lot of work, you continue anyway because the feeling is worth it.

Our lifestyle has made us lazy in terms of sensations, but our body is prepared to withstand the extreme cold and heat, as our ancestors did. These cold showers strengthen us. A decision like this helps us to leave behind the social control and pressure that our preferences imply, including the idea of ​​ "I like it" and "I don't like it". The cold shower is not something we like, but if you welcome the break of day with this ritual, you can learn to eliminate these obstacles, and above all, extrapolate the experience to other decisions in our lives. Here are some amazing benefits of cold showers:

1. Improves your circulation

When we expose our body to low temperatures, it begins to increase your blood flow to warm the internal organs and tissues. This will generate better blood circulation.

2. Strengthens your immune system

Before a good cold shower, our metabolism gets stimulated as a reaction and our immune system gets a kick. This boosts our immunity and helps fight infections caused by viruses.

3.  Fresh and healthy skin

A cold shower will help keep your skin smooth and healthy.

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