Category Archives for Health

“Very Rare” Coronavirus/COVID-19 Spread By Asymptomatic

Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, from the WHO, explains the data behind their view that the spread of coronavirus/Covid-19 by asymptomatic individuals is “very rare”.

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Plandemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19

Dr. Judy Mikovits has been called one of the most accomplished scientists of her generation. Her 1991 doctorial thesis revolutionized the treatment of HIV AIDS. At the height of her career. Dr. Mikovits published a blockbuster article in the journal science. The controversial article sent shockwaves to the scientific community as it revealed that the common use of animal and human fetal tissues were unleashing devastating plagues of chronic diseases for exposing their deadly secrets. The minions of big pharma waged war on Dr. Mikovits destroying her good name, career, and personal life. Now, as the fate of nations hanging in the balance, Dr. Mikovits is naming names of those behind the plague of corruption that places all human life in danger. So you made a discovery that conflicted with the agreed upon narrative. Correct. And for that they did everything in their powers to destroy your life. Correct. You were arrested. Correct. And then the, you were put under a gag order.

For four or five years. If I went on social media, if I said anything at all, they would find new evidence and um, and put me back in jail. And it was one of the few times I cried and it was, cause I knew there was no evidence the first time. And when you can unleash that kind of force to force someone into bankruptcy with a perfect credit score. And so that I couldn't bring my 97 witnesses, which included the heads, Tony Fauci, you know, Ian Lipkin, the heads of the public health in HHS, who would have had to testify that we did absolutely nothing wrong. And so what did they charge you with? Nothing. But you were in jail? I was held in jail with no charges. I was called a fugitive from justice.

No warrant. Literally drug me out of the house. Our neighbors are looking at what's going on here. You know, they search my house without a warrant. Literally terrorize my husband for five days. They said, if you don't find the notebooks, if you don't find the material, which was not in my possession but planted in my house. As if you took intellectual property from the laboratory. Yes it was. It was intended to appear is if I took confidential material names and intellectual property from the laboratory and I could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that I didn't, heads of our entire HHS colluded and destroy my reputation and the department of justice and the FBI sat on it and kept that case under seal, which means you can't say there's a case or your lawyers are held in contempt of court so you can't even get a lawyer to defend you.

So every single due process right, was taken away from me and to this day remains the same. I have no constitutional freedoms. You sit here. I think a lot of people would probably have just taken the retirement out early, laid low, but you have decided to come forth when your gag order has been released to write a book called plague of corruption, restoring faith in the promise of science. And you are naming names. Absolutely. Apparently their attempt to silence you has failed. And I have to ask, how do you sit here with the confidence to call out these great forces and not fear for your life as you leave this building? Because if we don't stop this now, we can not only forget our Republic and our freedom, but we can forget humanity because we'll be killed by this agenda. So Anthony Fowchee.

The man who is heading the pandemic task force was involved in a coverup. He directed the coverup and in fact everybody else was paid off and paid off big time, millions of dollars in funding from Tony Fowchee, Tony Fowchee, his organization, national Institute of allergy infectious disease. These investigators that committed the fraud continue to this day to be paid big time by the NIAID and the whole world is listening to his advice for how to handle this current pandemic. How do we know that what he's saying is what we need to be learning. What you saying is absolute, uh, propaganda. And, and the same kind of propaganda that he's perpetrated to kill millions since 1984 we know from this study quite clearly that there will be a delay in progression, significantly greater than for individuals who do not take the drug. It started really when I was 25 years old. It was part of the team that isolated HIV from the saliva and blood of the patients from France where Luke Janae had originally isolated the virus.

This was a confirmatory study, but Tony Pouchy and Robert Gallo were working together then to spin the story in a different way. At that time, Dr. Rossetti was out of town and Tony Fowchee says, um, you know, we understand that you have a paper in press and we want a copy of it. And I said, yes, there's a paper in press and it's confidential and no, I will not give you a copy of it. He started screaming at me. Then he said, give us the paper right now or, or be fired for insubordination. And I've just said, I'm sure when Dr. Rossetti gets back, you can have the conversation. And so Frank comes back, you know, several weeks later and is really bullied into giving Fowchee the paper. Fowchee holds up the publication of the paper for several months while Robert Gallo writes his own paper and takes all the credit. And of course, patents are involved. This delay of the confirmation, you know, literally led to spreading the virus around, um, you know, killing millions. Perhaps no one expressed the anguish of AIDS better than New York writer Larry Kramer.

But he was even more angry at the federal government and the pharmaceutical industry. One person who felt Kramer's fury was NIH, Dr. Anthony Fowchee, he called Tony Fowchee, the burning made of science. It's still been crushing to me to think that I didn't know my work in 1999 was something that had been avoided. From 83 and 82 when the virus was isolated. The virus didn't have to wait until 84 to be confirmed. Think of how many people, the entire continent of Africa, you know, lost a generation as that virus was spread through because of the arrogance of a group of people in includes Robert Redfield, who's now the head of the CDC, right along with Tony Fowchee. They were working together to take credit and make money and they had the patents on it and tailored them to IL to therapy, which was absolutely the wrong therapy. And had that not happen, millions wouldn't have died from HIV. How can a man who's giving any, any person who's giving global advice for health, own a patent in the solution in the vaccine? Isn't that a conflict of interest or shouldn't it be? It is a conflict of interest. And in fact, this is one of the things that I, I've been saying and would like to say to president Trump repeal the buy Dole act

By both fundamentally changed the way universities approach technology transfer. Uh, and you can see that best in the statistics. Universities obtained 16 times as many patents today as they did in 1980. Now everybody's getting more patents, but still university's share of all patents in the United States is more than five times greater than it was before. The situation has gotten so bad. That one, information technology industry official has publicly referred to universities as quote, crack addicts unquote driven by quote small minded tech transfer offices addicted to patents, royalties.

That act gave government workers the right to patent their discoveries, so to, to claim intellectual property for discoveries that the taxpayer paid for. Ever since that happened in the early eighties, it destroyed science and this allowed the development of those conflicts of interests. And this is the crime behind letting somebody like bill Gates with billions of dollars. Nobody elected him. He has no medical background. He has no expertise, but we let people like that have a voice in this country while we destroy the lives of millions of people. Normalcy only returns when we largely vaccinated the entire global population. If we activate mandatory vaccines globally, I imagine these people stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars that own the vaccines and they'll kill millions has they already have with their vaccines? There is no vaccine currently on the schedule for any RNA virus that works.

So I have to ask you, are you anti-vaccine? Oh, absolutely not. Um, in fact, vaccine is immune therapy. Uh, just like interferon alphas, immune therapy. So I'm not anti-vaccine. My job is to develop immune therapies. That's what vaccines are. Do you believe that this virus was created in a laboratory? I wouldn't use the word created, but you can't say naturally occurring if it was by way of the laboratory. So it's very clear this virus was manipulated, these, this family of viruses was manipulated and studied in a laboratory where the animals were taken into the laboratory. And this is what was released, whether deliberate or not, that cannot be naturally occurring. Somebody didn't go to a market, get a bat. The virus didn't jump directly to humans. That's not how it works. That's accelerated viral evolution. If it was a natural occurrence, it would take it up to 800 years to occur. This occurred from SARS one within a decade. That's not, that's not naturally occurring. And do you have any ideas of where this occurred? Oh yeah. I'm sure it occurred between the North Carolina laboratories, Fort Dietrich, U S army research Institute of infectious disease, and the Wuhan laboratory

$3.7 million flowed from the national institutes of health here in the U S to the WuHan lab in China. The same lab where many people have said that this Corona virus infection first originated. We also now know that NIH, the department associated with the national institutes of health, of which Dr. Anthony Fowchee is in control, had already been conducting the experiments with the Wu Han lab in the past in regard Corona virus. If Dr. Anthony Fowchee cannot be honest with the public about his connection to this lab that Fowchee has to go.

In 1999 I was working in Fort Dietrich and you say, I'm red there, and my job was to teach Ebola how to infect human cells without killing them. Ebola couldn't infect human cells until we took it in the laboratories and took to them. It's hard to ignore the death tolls. People have been dying. They are dying from this and in quite alarming numbers. How do you reconcile that? Uh, um, it's pretty easy when you see, for me when you see what the government has done and that is that they took quoting Dr. Burke's, we've taken a very liberal approach to mortality. If my husband were to die, who has COPD, his lungs have fibrosis, his lungs would look exactly like somebody with Covid 19 theoretically, but he has no evidence of infection. So if you're not testing and you don't have evidence of infection, and if you walked in there today, you know, they call it Covid 19. And we hear this from the doctors and nurses who are upset.

I've seen so many doctors online that have made their own webcam videos just perplexed by the protocol that the CDC had given them. Well, last Friday I received a seven page document that sort of told me that if I had an 86 year old patient that had pneumonia but was never tested for covid19 but sometime after she came down with pneumonia, we learned that she had been exposed to her son who had no symptoms but later on was identified with covid19 that it would be appropriate to diagnose on the death certificate covid19.

When I'm writing up my death report, I'm being pressured to add covid. Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add covid to maybe increase the numbers and make it look a little bit worse than it is? I think so. Why would they want to skew the number of deaths due to covid 19.

Well fear is a great way to control people and sometimes people's ability to think for themselves as paralyzed if they're frightened enough, and that's not where I want people to be. I want people to say, we're going to get through this. I'm going to use my head. I'm going to go to different sources. I'm going to listen to different sources and I'm going to think for myself because that's what America is about. If someone dies with covid 19 we are counting that as a covid 19 death. You don't die with an infection. You die from an infection. I've talked with doctors who have admitted that they are being incentivized to list patients that are sick or have died with covid 19. Yeah, $13,000 for Medicare, if you call it covid 19.

Right now, Medicare has determined that if you have a covid 19 admission to the hospital, you'll get paid $13,000 if that covid 19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $39,000 three times as much

And you've killed them with the ventilator cause you gave them the wrong treatment. All the things that just don't make sense. The patients I'm seeing in front of me, the lungs I'm trying to improve, have led me to believe that we are operating under a medical paradigm that is untrue and I fear that this misguided treatment will lead to a tremendous amount of harm to a great number of people. In a very short time. My next question is about Italy. I want to know why Italy was it so hard? Italy has a very old population. Um, they're very sick with inflammatory disorders. They got it the beginning of 2019 an untested new form of influenza vaccine that had four different strains of influenza, including the highly pathogenic H1N1. That vaccine was grown in a cell line, a dog cell line. Dogs have lots of Corona viruses and that's why they're not testing their, you could just say, Oh, it was that.

As the country begins emerging from the worst of the Corona virus epidemic, one question remains. What happened to all the hydroxychloroquine? We know that hydroxychloroquine and zinc are working great for patients and then Fowchee comes out and says, well, there's no double blind control placebo study, which by the late Dr. Fowchee, is there going to be a double blind control placebo study of your vaccine is there? In a survey polling nearly 2300 doctors in some 30 countries, hydroxychloroquine was ranked as the most effective medication to treat the virus.

The AMA was saying, you know, doctors will lose their license if they use hydroxy chloric. When the anti-malarial drug that's been on the list of essential medicine worldwide for 70 years, dr Fowchee calls that anecdotal data. It's not storytelling. If we have thousands of pages of data saying it's effective against these families of viruses for 50 cents a dose, we could protect a thousand people for seven days, two doses a day with one $600 file. And that hasn't been done. This is essential medicine. And they keep it from the people, not only now, but back in autism with our discovery. There was an old antiviral drug, hundred year old drug called sermon on the who list of essential medicine. You literally gave kids with autism a voice, a life. What at Bayer and Monsanto do. They took it away from everybody. You get it to save your life right now.

And we tried, believe me every way we could. So when you take away a medicine, in not just that, not just the who, not just the who, the FDA, the CDC, Tony Fowchee close, everything. Just end it all. And we've got a healthy world again and we got tons of money cause we can take all that money they're making on their patents and we can give it to the victims of this plague of corruption. Is it safe to say that anything that cannot be patented has been shut down intentionally because there's no way to profit from it? All these natural remedies that we have had for ever? Absolutely. That's fair to say. And that's exactly what's going on in covid 19 the game is to prevent the therapies till everyone is infected and push the vaccines. Knowing that the flu vaccines increase the odds by 36% of getting covid 19. Where does that data come from? A publication last year where the military who had been vaccinated with influenza were more susceptible to Corona viruses. Corona viruses are in every animal. So if you've ever had a flu vaccine, you were injected with Corona viruses and then to put on a mask.

This doesn't make any sense. We were masked in an acute setting to protect us. We're not wearing masks. Why is that? Because we understand microbiology, we understand immunology and we want strong immune systems. Our immune system is used to touching. We share bacteria, staphylococcal, streptococcal bacteria, viruses. We develop an immune response daily to this stuff. When you take that away from me, my immune system drops. As I shelter in place, my immune system drops. You keep me there for months, it drops more and now I'm at home hand-washing vigorously washing the counters, worried about things that are indeed what I need to survive.

You're not, you're not immunodeficient and you're not, elderly. You should be able to go out without any gloves and without a mask. I think if you are those things, you should either set shelter in place or wear a mask and gloves. I don't think everybody needs to wear the mask and gloves because it reduces your bacterial flora. It doesn't allow you to interact with society and your bacteria flora and your viruses. Your friends that protect you from other diseases end up going away and now you're more likely to get opportunistic infections, infections that are hoping you don't have your good bugs fighting for you, if that makes sense.

And then as we all come out of shelter in place with a lower immune system and start trading viruses, bacteria, what do you think is going to happen? Diseases is going to spike. I guarantee when we reopened, there's going to be a huge, huge amount of illness that's going to be rampant. The building blocks of your immune system is virus and bacteria. End of story

Wearing the mask, literally activate your own virus, your getting sick from your own reactivated Corona virus expressions. And if it happens to be SARS Cove too, then you've got a big problem. You're not the first virologist who has told me that we're doing the exact opposite of what we should be doing to contain and to create immunity from this virus. Why would you close the beach? You've got sequences in the soil, in the sand. You've got healing microbes in the ocean, in the salt water. That's insanity.

These institutions that are polluting our environment and our bodies. There was a time when they actually had to fight their own battles, but they've done such a great job at manipulating the masses that it's other people shutting down other citizens and the big tech platforms follow suit and they shut everything down. There is no dissenting voices allowed anymore in this free country, which is something I never thought I would live to see.

Nor would I accept what I've experienced since 2011 it's beyond comprehension. How a society can be so fooled that the types of propaganda continue to where they're just driving us to hate each other. You want to go work? Yes. Get this disease. I think the marriage profession wrong so far, ma'am, day been wrong.

Hopefully this is the wake up call of all America to realize this makes no sense and we win because it will take down the whole program with information like this. And, and for me it's the great news that the doctors are waking up and saying, wait a minute, you, you doctors that are watching this and I see a lot of you right here. Why are you not getting loud? I'm here to defend you. I'm here to defend my freedoms. I'm here to defend my family's freedoms, my patient's rights to choose what to do with their life. I'm just blown away and I'm blown away. Why? There are not more doctors like me talking about this all over the place. We should be banding together right now. You need to wake up because your liberties are getting taken away from you all because of fake news that's out there. This is wrong. People should be going to jail for this stuff.

So it's not the scientists who are in any way dishonest. They're listening to people who for more than 40 years, have controlled who gets funded. What gets published, and I'm sorry to say many, many people will simply take the money and the fame and that support things that absolutely aren't true. What do you say to the medical professionals that are just beginning to get a glimpse of the depth to which they have been misled and steered away from their oath to do?

I say forgive yourselves. It's the hardest thing to realize for all of us and is, is that with all the best intention we studied, we learned what we thought was the truth. We had no idea that the, the data that we were being told was true, was not true. We've been taught now in our, in our schools of very different science. You don't get funded if you don't speak the party line, you don't get published. That was probably the hardest thing for me to take is understanding that scientific terminals would twist the discovery that should have healed all. Will the scientific community have the courage to answer the question of whether these diseases might have been up their own creation. So what we did pretty much ever since I got out of jail, we started an education company. We wake up doctors and it's fairly difficult, but every doctor who realized they may have been part of the problem has now turned that around to March toward a better society and restore faith in the promise of medicine. That's all we can do. Well, Dr. Mikovitz, thank you so much for your time. It's been a real honor to sit here with you and particularly thank you for your courage. Thank you, Mickey. I appreciate it a lot.

The idea that we are now a few days away from a new administration given, as you heard from the introduction that I have been around for a while and have had the opportunity of serving in five administrations. I thought I would bring that perspective to the topic today is the issue of pandemic preparedness, and if there's one message that I want to leave with you today is that there is no question that there will be a surprise outbreak. The thing we're extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years. Thank you.

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Is This The Most Overlooked Resource For Restoring Your Health?

This is possibly the most overlooked resource in restoring your health.

See if this makes sense to you.  Your brain controls your entire body, it’s like your central computer (why it's part of the central nervous system?... hmmm).  Every message from your brain travels down your spinal cord and splits out into different nerves that pass out through the openings between your individual vertebra.  These large nerves split into smaller nerves and travel to all the different areas of the body down to the cellular level.

That’s how the brain tells each individual area what to do.  That’s also how each individual area sends feedback to the brain, so the brain knows what’s going on and can respond appropriately.

But what happens if there is interference along that pathway?

The biggest example of this is a broken neck that causes complete paralysis.  The damage cuts off the communication from the brain to body… and body to brain.  There’s no communication so the brain can’t tell the different areas what to do.

But what if there’s still communication but there’s interference?  Picture it like varying levels of traffic jams.  If the message is slowed down and the brain and body are slow to communicate, then your body won’t function like it’s supposed to.  How much do you think that can impact your health?  How much do you think that can impact how you heal… or DON’T HEAL?

You can look at it another way.  What if the interference is like bad cell reception and you can’t make out every word that the person on the other end is saying.  They cut out so you only get part of the message.  How much do you think that can impact your health?  How much do you think that can impact how you heal… or DON’T HEAL?

If your brain and body continuously have a communication problem I can assure you that you will end up with health problems.  You will end up manifesting symptoms that cause you to start looking for a solution to the problem.  But the problem is… the vast majority of people don’t recognize that the problem could be this communication error.

If you have this type of nerve interference where the nerve is exiting the spinal column it’s called a subluxation.  And it happens when you have an incorrect position of the vertebra… incorrect motion of the vertebra… or BOTH.

“How Do I Know If I Have A Subluxation?”

Most people would relate this to a “pinched nerve” and would immediately say “I don’t have back pain.”  But you’d be wrong!  A subluxation can be VERY subtle, and in most cases people don’t even recognize they have one (or multiple) until they experience other symptoms not related to the back.

As a matter of fact… the most crucial moments of healthcare begin right after birth.  A recent study evaluated newborns between 6-72 hours after birth for asymmetry and restricted motion of the spine (subluxation).  This research found that 91% of babies began their lives with abnormal symmetry and restrictions in the cervical spine (neck) and 94% of the babies had abnormalities in the lumbar spine (lower back).

Factors that contributed to these subluxations included duration of labor, number of births for the mother, intervention during labor and birth, instruments used during delivery, fetal head position, and caesarean deliveries.

These traumatic events are common and shows the importance of getting evaluated for subluxations starting right after birth so that the interference can be removed and the brain body connection can be restored.

The study went on to look at adults as well.  Not only did the adult group have subluxations in the spine, they also had disc degeneration, bulging discs, disc protrusions, and annular fissures of the disc.  And these people did NOT SHOW ANY symptoms.

  • 37% of asymptomatic 20 year-olds have disc degeneration. 96% of asymptomatic 80 year-olds have it.
  • 30% of asymptomatic 20 year-olds have bulging discs. 84% of asymptomatic 80 year-olds have it.
  • 29% of asymptomatic 20 year-olds have disc protrusion (a kind of herniated disc). 40% of asymptomatic 80 year-olds have it.
  • 19% of asymptomatic 20 year-olds have annular fissure (a tear in the tissue filling intervertebral space). 29% of asymptomatic 80 year-olds have it.

“How Do I Get Checked For Subluxations?”

Subluxations in the spine can be compared compare to cavities in the teeth and begin to form without any outward signs or symptoms. You can get checked for subluxations by a qualified chiropractor.  They can check for the abnormal movement, abnormal position, and nerve interference that can impact the brain body connection.

And you thought chiropractic was just back and neck pain.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Chiropractors have been checking people for subluxations since 1895 and have shown that removing the interference to the spine is so much more.  In fact, the first chiropractic adjustment was on a man the had lost his hearing and after the adjustment his hearing was restored.  There was interference at the spinal level that had a connection between the brain and the ear.  When you restore the wires to the main computer, the body can function like it was meant too and amazing things can happen.

Much more research has been done as well showing the impact of chiropractic care.

Subluxation and Fibromyalgia

Research from a 2014 medical journal called Rehab Research and Practice found a direct link between the severity of fibromyalgia and the health and function of the spine. The study evaluated the effects of one session of a spinal adjustment on autonomic nervous system function and pain in a group of fibromyalgia sufferers.

A spinal adjustment improved the quality of life and symptoms in patients suffering from fibromyalgia. The manual adjustment effectively improved pain, sleep quality, depression, mood, and other fibromyalgia-related symptoms. One treatment per week for twenty-three consecutive weeks decreased pain and positively influenced components relating to chronic illness and functional health capacity.

Rehabilitation, Research and Practice Published online 2014 May 29 “Effects of Posteroanterior Thoracic Mobilization on Heart Rate Variability and Pain in Women with Fibromyalgia” Michel Silva Reis, João Luiz Quagliotti Durigan, Ross Arena, Bruno Rafael Orsini Rossi, Renata Gonçalves Mendes, and Audrey Borghi-Silva

Subluxation and Concussions

Research from 2015 found that every patient who experienced a concussion also experienced a whiplash-type injury to the neck (typically causing abnormal position and motion of the cervical spine).  Chiropractic care for post-concussive syndrome patients resulted in rapid and sustained improvement in all signs and symptoms, allowing the tested athletes to return to full competition.

Subluxation and Seasonal “Germs and Sickness” (the flu)

One indicator which reflects how well the body combats infections presents in the amount of immunoglobulin carried in the blood stream. The immune system uses these antibodies to neutralize pathogens like bacteria and viruses. Research findings from a study published in 2011 showed spinal adjustments increased a specific immunoglobulin responsible for fighting off specific pathogens that contributed to infectious illness. The study further explains why Chiropractic patients achieve stronger immunity and defense against illness. Over 120 years of Chiropractic research proves that no substitute exists for the natural health potential available in a well-functioning nervous system.

The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association March 2011“Impact of osteopathic manipulative treatment on secretory immunoglobulin A levels in a stressed population.” G Saggio, S Docimo, J Pilc, J Norton, W Gilliar

Subluxation and Organ Health

A leading method used to evaluate and monitor a person’s risk of heart disease stems from a test called heart rate variability. Heart rate variability (HRV) measures the physiological variation in time interval between beat-to-beat intervals.

Studies suggest that people who have a higher HRV are healthier and live longer with less risk of disease. A lower HRV is associated with heart attacks, strokes, and diabetes.

The autonomic nervous system modulates HRV and includes both the sympathetic nervous system (SNS, or fight-or-flight response) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS, or at rest system).

A study done in 2006 showed that people who received a Chiropractic adjustment improved their HRV and lowered their risk of heart disease and other possible health problems.

Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics - May 2006 “Effect of chiropractic care on heart rate variability and pain in a multisite clinical study.” J Zhang, D Dean, D Nosco, D Strathopulous, M Floros

Stress and Anxiety In Children and Adults

Studies show that today’s children experience more stress and anxiety than institutionalized psychiatric patients had in the 1950s. Stress registers at an all-time high across many age demographics and results in serious health consequences. One of the most troubling outcomes of stress materializes in the number of adults under the influence of anti-depressants and mind-altering anti-psychotic medications. Nearly one in four women over the age of 50 consumes anti-depressants while nearly 15% of the population relies on pharmaceutical antipsychotics.

A study done in 2017 determined children under Chiropractic care for wellness experienced less depression, anxiety, fatigue, and pain interference than children who did not receive care. Chiropractic adjustments pursue the health and wellness of the entire organism by focusing on the nervous system. Residual benefits which occur from the pursuit of spinal health include a reduction in depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine December 20, 2017 “The Quality of Life of Children Under Chiropractic Care Using PROMIS-25: Results from a Practice-Based Research Network.” J Alcantara, AE Lamont, J Ohm

Chiropractic and ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) plagues kids and families all over the world.  Medical doctors diagnosed over 6.4 million school-age (4-17) children in the United States alone. This number registers a 42% increase over the last 12 years.

Research published in 2010 observed a clear connection between a Chiropractic adjustment and brain function. The adjustment led to improved brain and body coordination. Many additional studies corroborate a link between a chiropractic adjustment and improved brain function in children and adults. A chiropractic adjustment helps restore balance to the nervous system. The result allows children and adults of all ages experience more control and calmness while leading better lives with greater ability to learn and perform.

Experimental Brain Research 2015 Apr;233(4):1165-73 “Changes in H-reflex and V-waves following spinal manipulation.” Niazi IK, Türker KS, Flavel S, Kinget M, Duehr J, Haavik H.

The list goes on and on.  When you take care of the nervous system and remove the subluxations that cause interference between the brain and the rest of the body… you allow the body to function the way it was designed… and symptoms and “diagnosis” can be resolved.

It’s the way the body was meant to be.

So what’s next for you?  Find a chiropractor and get your nervous system checked for subluxations.  It makes everything else we talk about a thousand times better.  I’ve seen people doing all the other things “right”… and still have problems with their health.  If you have interference you’re not functioning and living at your best.

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How To Understand Chronic Inflammation

In this video, I'm going to explain how to properly understand the nature of chronic inflammation. It is not properly understood and it is still, although it's really clear in the scientific literature how this works. It hasn't translated into the basic science or clinical education and most healthcare providers, because it's relatively a relatively new concept within the last 20 years. So I'm going to go through, through how to look at this.

Whether you are a, a patient or a non-patient or a treating clinician, no matter if you're a medical doctor, dentist, osteopath, foot doctor, eye doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, massage therapist or acupuncture doesn't make any difference. All your treatments for all those different healthcare professions, all of their treatments, uh, tend to be less effective as the flame goes on. I'll show you how that works in this video. So we basically started off kind of flame free and then the first thing that hits all of us are going to be mental, emotional stressors that are impossible to avoid. 

But we typically don't have a problem with them when you're young because we have so much inflammation, uh, uh, an envelope of tolerance for inflammation. So above this line, it, when the inflammatory chemistry rises above this line, we get symptoms. So initially mental, emotional stressors are normal. No big deal. We get a little uptake in the flame. Not relevant clinically at all. So what are these chemicals? Well, you have free radicals that are overproduced prostate glands that are overproduced and cytokines that are overproduced.

So what are free radicals? Well, they are oxidizing agents. If you think about an old rusty car, that's oxidation. And so an old rusty human, they're oxidized. So if prostate glands, what are they? Uh, they come from, well, the pro-inflammatory ones come from Omega six fatty acids that we get. Most of our mega six fatty acids come from refined oils that we get in refined foods like French fries, uh, donuts, deep fried foods of all kind packaged foods that are, that are packaged with uh, Omega six rich oils like corn, safflower, sunflower oil, cotton seed oil, soybean oil, peanut oil.

All rich in Omega six is that we do not need. Cytokines, they are pro-inflammatory proteins. So all of these get turned on by mental, emotional stressors. Now they also get turned on simply by the aging process, irrelevant for the first 30 years, for the most part. But then it starts to tick and become more problematic as you move into middle age. And then beyond middle age of over 60 into the final third of one's life. So you can see they are as a double-headed arrow between the same prompt flammatory chemicals. So mental, emotional stressors, inflammation, which is an actual thing. I'm not making it up. And then sedentary living, same flame. So you see the same flame from these very different causes. This is what is yet to get translated into clinical books. And it's not taught in basic science classes yet. So it's kinda not in healthcare yet, unfortunately.

So what else can cause the exact same flame chemicals to be overproduced? Well, the average American gets almost 60% of their calories from refined sugar, flour and oils. So once we are, as we age and are stressing out, we are sitting and stressing and over eating and sitting and stressing. We tend to sleep a little bit less too. So these five factors can go on for five, 10 15 years and you may have no symptoms at all. And then finally, let's just say this kind of kicks in. This is your lifestyle from age 20 to 30 and then from age 30 to 40 you, you start to tick up, you hit 40 and then boom, now you're in the symptoms zone. Now you have symptoms. What symptoms would you have between 30 and 40? Well, mostly aches and pains and a little bit of a, of a change in an effect, meaning your emotional state and a little depressed, a little anxious.

It's not uncommon. Uh, and the reason why is because chronic pain or pain and depression, there are both caused by an excess of these prompt flammatory chemicals. So at some point say 40 we'll just call it 40 or it can be younger, obviously or older. You're living this flaming lifestyle and you have no symptoms and all of a sudden you go from no symptoms to symptoms. And I think, well, what can I do for my pain and depression as opposed to thinking, well, look what I did to myself the past 30 or 40 years, big time flaming. So that is the challenge to overcome for the average person. They do not realize that their lifestyle, which, which is prom flammatory for most of their life, is the reason why they've got symptoms and they're moving towards chronic diseases. They can look at their parents and they can see chronic diseases.

Well, why? When they think, well, isn't the family as opposed to I push my genes to overexpress chronic disease by living in the flame for most of my life, we can add to this smoking Ash to the exact same flame. You can be genetically disposed to produce more inflammatory chemicals and add to it. And then of course, what happens to us after we stress out? We don't sleep. We overeat. These sugars and flours and refined oils, we sit on our butts, we become obese and obesity itself is a state where in the fat cells pump out and the immune cells in the fat mass pump out an excess of free radicals prostate glands and cytokines. 24 seven which is an augmented by acute emotional stressors by more on our butts, more over eating and then sleeping less. And of course if you're a smoker, you add to it, their average person's not so genetically flamed up.

Uh, but most of our lifestyle choices are so flaming we crossed the threshold, but let's just say that you've done all this and you're basically kind of pain free and depression free and then you get injured. Now your injury adds to as the same chemicals, same proinflammatory chemicals that all the other lifestyle factors added to it. Now all of a sudden you got pain that doesn't go away. Now you're depressed and you think, well, what's the cause of all this and the average person because these lifestyle factors here are slow, cumulative. We don't see them.

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The Reality Of The Modern Immune System

So first of all, what we need to understand is that the immune system that is taught to the MDs or the pediatricians is literally about a hundred plus years old, or that’s on bad day. On a good day, it’s probably around 60 years old. What I’m talking about is that the theory of the immune system that’s used dates back to 1915 that you’re looking at about a hundred plus years old or if you want to give them a little bit better about a hundred years old, which is about 60 plus years.

Sorry, 70 years now, right? Let’s put 70 years. Okay, so that’s what we’re talking about. Um, so what, so before we go into really talking about what is the really the modern immune system look like, let’s really, um, educate you on what the concept of the immune system best that a hundred to 70 years old that’s being used today.

So you understand sort of the backward science that’s being used to look at things like vaccine intervention as he, as the way to build immunity in your body. So that concept of the immune system really involves a, what I’d like to, I’m going to draw it here. Two boxes. The first box that we look at here is called the innate, and I want to think you’re zooming in on this, right? I want to thank Alan Erickson. Allen’s an awesome guy to work with. Um, so the innate immune system is one of the boxes. And over here I’m going to draw what’s called the other box. And let’s call this the adaptive system or the adaptive system.

You have two systems, ENH system and the adaptive system. So the typical medical student, the pediatrician, uh, healthcare professionals today, uh, on a good day are trained these as the two components, the two interacting components of what we call the immune system. And in this concept of the immune system, um, what happens is let’s say you get a virus coming in. This is your virus coming in. And by the way, these are within your body. When the virus comes in, it typically in the natural model comes into your innate immune system. And then your body will generate things to, uh, what I call infantry, or let’s call it a series of nonspecific agents to attack it. Nonspecific agents and these agents are things like macrophages, okay?

Neutrophils, dendritic cells. These are essentially a, if you want to think about it, the war analogy, these are essentially essentially a whole set of artillery that’s used to go attack that virus. The key thing is this, uh, artillery or these set of weaponry or nonspecific, which means it’s basically a bunch of soldiers you throw up there and they just start shooting at everything. Whether this virus is a measles virus or any type of pathogen bacteria, they just start starting to shoot it everything. It’s called the innate system because this is where it first comes into your body. And what I mean by that is your eyes, your nose, your throat, uh, your mucus system and your gut, um, your respiratory system, your skin. So this is where the virus first hits in the natural mode. And in this process, the body tries to attack it using this thing called, uh, the innate or nonspecific immune system. The timeline on this is around zero to around 72 hours. Okay? So it’s very quick. It’s nonspecific. It tries to knock these out. The second process that occurs is that this system initiate the adaptive system and the adaptive system is really composed of two subsystems.

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20 Min Total Core/Ab At Home Workout

Hey guys thank you all for joining me today, I hope you all are doing well. I hope you guys are safe and healthy.

Today we are doing a workout that is all focused on the abs. It is a 20 minutes, no equipment workout. For this workout we are going to be doing two rounds, so we have 10 minutes, 10 different exercises.

Each exercise is going to be 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off. If despite for the last minute, the last minute that we drown, we’re going to do it 30 seconds of Russian twists and then we’ll take a 32nd rest. Then we’ll go into our second round. I think that’s it.

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Great Depression? 5 Things You Can Do NOW!

When the United States implemented a lock down due to the Corona virus, this forced numerous businesses to shut down and countless people to lose their source of income. This raised concerns that a recession or even a depression is on the horizon. The ones who usually suffer the most during a market downturn are the people, especially those who are not prepared and are living month to month. Unfortunately, a recent study revealed that almost half of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Furthermore, more than half of Americans couldn't even safely write a check for over $500 though this may be concerning, it is not as dire as it sounds. Economies are cyclical undergoing ups and downs.

Many factors usually contribute to an economy going into a recession or depression. Create and corruption are typically the worst culprits as our history has shown, our economy always re-emerges from a downturn to less than the economic impact. We can look at the historical preparations that previous generations made so we can better prepare ourselves and our families from a potential economic depression.

In this video, we'll discuss five things you can do now if you're concerned about a potential longterm economic depression. The points we'll cover are from lessons learned, studying previous times in history where major economic downturns impacted nations. Number one, know how to change your diet. Food is going to be the most critical resource we will need during an economic depression. Not only because there may be an interruption with the food supply, but because many people can't afford the food they are used to eating. Many are very dependent on other people growing, gathering, harvesting, and preparing. Most of the food that they consume daily. They go to grocery stores and spend money to buy process and pre-prepare food that they can easily cook at home. Some people don't even cook at all. They go to restaurants and pay others to prepare their mills, but during a depression, these things become a luxury that numerous people won't be able to afford.

What this means is that you may have to learn to eat foods that don't have the big three. Soy, wheat, and corn. These three grains are the main ingredients found in most of the processed foods available in supermarkets reading the labels. You will find that at least one of the three grains or there are derivatives like corn syrup, corn starch, and corn oil is a main ingredient included in a majority of the foods you're buying. Skipping on foods that use these three cranes is also good for your health since you're adding variety to your food and more nutrients to your body. So what are the foods can you and your family consume that won't put you in a financial burden or make you sick during a depression? Early humans didn't rely on others to plant, harvest and processor foods. They forage, hunted and fished for the food that they and their family consumed.

Even if you don't live in the woods, it's still possible to forge. There are numerous different fruit trees found in people's yards or public parks that you can easily pick. In Oregon. For example, many city parks have trees that drop walnuts on the ground. Walnuts are just one example. There are many different varieties of foods that you can readily pick up in your environment. You can search the internet or go to the library and learn the different edibles found in your local area. Make sure you have a printout of the research or a copy of important pages in the book so you can readily look at them if needed. You should also know where you can hunt or fish and what are the requirements. If the land is public, ask your local government what you need to do if it's privately owned, try and build connections with the owner.

The key to foraging is knowing your environment and having a plan of action. I'll be working on a future video shortly about forging and the urban and suburban environments, so if you'd like to know when that comes out, remember to subscribe to this channel. Number two, build your library. Another thing you need to prepare for that can help you during an economic depression or books. It's important to build your library books that can provide you a critical knowledge and information that you can use during the depression. I already mentioned earlier the importance of having books about foraging, hunting and fishing to help you secure food when you are unable to purchase them at your local supermarket. Aside from forging books, you should also have medical books which you can use as a reference and guide in case you or someone in your family gets sick or needs immediate first date.

Other helpful books that you can include in your library are language guides for your region and atlases. You should also have cookbooks and books about gardening, which can help you get through an economic crisis and don't forget to add some novels or other fiction books that you've always wanted to read in your library. It's easy to get stressed out, anxious or overly worried during a depression. Having books that can let you temporarily escape your situation can help relieve your stress and keep you sane. Having your own small libraries critical since you never know how long the internet or electricity could stay down in your area. Now I've lived in impoverished parts of the world and I've quickly learned that the power may not always be up and having a reliable internet source may not even be an option, especially at your own house. It's not wise to expect that they'll always be available, so having a backup plan is crucial when we're discussing having hard copies of books.

Even a small library of different books ensures that you will still have access to information as well as other forms of entertainment. I'll put a link in the cards above and in the description section below to books that you might want to include in your prepping library. I'll also do another video about building a prepper library in the near future. Number three, build your skills in life and vocation. Financial security will be one of the biggest concerns during a depression. Keeping jobs is going to be hard, but finding a new one will be tougher, though it's a good idea to have an emergency funds so you'll have access to money in case you get laid off. It won't be enough. You may also need to learn new skills or further develop. The ones that you have having a new skill could potentially help you keep your job or make you an attractive candidate to other employers.

For example, you could learn a new language and become an interpreter. You could also learn to upgrade your skills were computer software applications. Being an attractive employee is not the only thing you should consider. You should also develop skills that you can use to help you start a side business or a new vocation. Building a side hustle has become more and more popular in this new gig economy we currently live in. I've personally found websites like can help provide you with so much quality information to learn a new skill set. I personally have used it to develop a lot of skills to help grow my company. You can even learn new skills that you always wanted to learn, like playing the guitar or baking. Try and spend at least an hour at night pursuing a new skill that interests you. Again, there are many educational websites that can teach you many skills even if there are no jobs available at the moment.

Developing a new skill can help make you marketable in the future when the economy is back on track, but aside from making you a marketable candidate for job opportunities, a new skill can also help keep you sane and provide you with a sense of accomplishment in an unstable world. As I stated earlier, stress and anxiety are going to be a common feeling during an economic depression. The books can help you relax and keep saying working on developing and improving yourself is also important according to an article from as you improve and develop skills, you also get to learn more about yourself, thus improving your mental health. Even a simple workout program you can follow during this period as a way to fill a sense of accomplishment and speaking of mental health, one class I begin to recommend a family members during this time or many of us are in quarantine, is Yale university's most popular online course, which is actually now free called the science of wellbeing.

I've gotten a lot of encouraging feedback from individuals. I've recommended this too. Again, I'll post the link to the course and the description section below. Number four, Work for necessity and not currency. Working conditions during an economic depression will be different. The traditional work for money scenario where you work for one employer and receive a timely paycheck may not be reliable in the current economic climate of the pandemic. Many businesses in a situation are folding and filing for bankruptcies. You need to think outside the box here and see what other side jobs you can do other than traditional employment. You should also be willing to work for necessity and not always currency. What this means is that you may want to work in exchange for other types of resources like food, water, and other items you may need. For example, if you are good at carpentering, there's a plumbing problem in your home.

You might find a plumber in your community and negotiate with him to fix your plumbing problem in exchange for any carpentry task he has, and you can also do a jobs in exchange for resources. You can negotiate a Milan in exchange for picking a few fruits off an Apple tree in your neighbor's backyard. You could offer to clean a neighbor's garage in exchange for some mix. Aside from manual labor. You can also use your knowledge. For example, if you have a degree in mathematics or English, you can use it to do tutoring services in your neighborhood and exchange for various resources. If you're knowledgeable about gardening, you can offer to teach people how to start a mini garden in their homes. There are many things you can do in exchange for various non-monetary resources. You'll be surprised to see that people are willing to work for you or exchange with you of currency, which may be scarcely available or does it hold any more value as removed from the equation.

You will also see that many skills will be in demand during a depression. In fact, many of them are likely to be more in demand than actual goods, especially if the situation last longer. Skills like first state medical, gunsmithing, weaving, sewing, mechanical knowledge, teaching trade craft like plumbing or blacksmith or electrical services and even survival skills are the ones which will be in high demand possessing at least one of these skills will ensure that you have something of value that people are willing to barter for. Number five, adjust your finances. The last thing you'll need to prepare for during a depression is your finances. Just because there's a crisis situation, it doesn't necessarily mean that your debts are automatically forgiven. They are still there and you'll still be asked to pay for them. Fortunately, there are programs that can provide Leif and help you manage your debts and loans.

During great depression of the 1930s the federal government passed the farm mortgage act, which was a program to help farmers who were defaulting on their mortgage payments to the lenders. Some of the key aspects of the program were low interest rates where farmers, in principle for Barron's. For Barron's is a program where borrowers allow a person to skip or make reduced payments during the duration of the agreement. It's a relief program that lenders and creditors usually grant to borrowers instead of foreclosing on their property. It's a win win situation. Since borrowers will get temporary relief from paying their mortgage while lenders won't have to shoulder the loss of the property because of the Corona virus, many Americans are already requesting forbearance on their mortgage payments. Debt deferment is another program that can help and adjusting your finances and managing your debts. Debt deferment is a program that gives you a period of time where you are excused from making any payments at all because of certain circumstances in your life.

The best program to really help your finances is debt forgiveness. Unlike the other two programs, debt forgiveness means you are no longer required to repay some or all of your loans. Now during the great depression, debt relief was one of the major reasons why some States recovered fast. According to a study from Yellen sites States that were more generous and providing debt relief to people through the consumer bankruptcy system had an increase in local employment during the recession. It's important to remember that each state will likely have different policies, programs, and requirements for their debt management programs. You should do your research and ask around so you know which programs you can take advantage of when the time comes. Aside from managing debt. It's also critical that you reduce your dependency on paper currency when the value of the dollar becomes worthless during a depression.

Other means of exchange available will be precious metals or electronic payment modes. In this scenario, gold and silver will be valuable since farmers and merchants will be more than willing to sell their goods and services for announced of precious metal bullion. Precious metals retain value and currency does not. I'll post a link in the description section and pin a comment linking to a website where I personally purchased my precious metals. Electronic payment modes like PayPal and Venmo may also be valuable, especially when banks fell. If you have some balance on your accounts, you can use Elma at least temporarily as a way to pay for goods and services. I'll be talking more specifically about precious metals in a future video. With the way the Corona virus pandemic is affecting businesses and economies. It's not farfetched to think that the next issue we might face is an economic recession or even a depression because economic downturns are cyclical in nature.

It's important that we properly prepare ourselves for that eventuality. To summarize, the main points discussed in this video, the first thing you need to know is that food is going to be the most crucial resource during the depression. The situation will have a significant financial impact on countless people, which means many can't afford to buy the foods that they want to eat. Changing your diet, knowing edible foods that you can easily pick up within your area will be a key to your survival. Second, you should consider building a library of books that can provide useful knowledge and information during a depression. You should also learn and develop new skills which can help you keep a job or make you an attractive candidate for companies during a recovery. It's important that you think outside the box when it comes to working during an economic depression. The traditional way of working won't be reliable during this period.

Being able to work for necessities instead of currency will increase your chances of surviving and even thriving in this situation. Lastly, it's important to remember to adjust your finances. There are many different programs you can search for that the government provides to help consumers manage your debts during a national crisis. If you're new to prepping and you don't know where to begin, you can check out the different videos on my channel to learn where to start and how to properly prepare yourself and your family for a multitude of events. Please feel free to like this video share on social media and post any feedback that you have in the comment section below. Typically, in the first hour after releasing a video, I try to provide feedback in the comment section below. As always, be safe out there.

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Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus

I watch CNN, I watch Fox, I watch CBS, and in this case there's a lot of things not being said. It almost certainly is a recombination event that was laboratory driven. This is just the essential nature of Chinese communism. Chinese communism is evil. Every person that harms is directly attributable to the Chinese communist party.

I began looking into the origin of the now widely known Corona virus in early February. That's time in the mid, the Hong Kong protest, the Taiwan elections in the us, China trade. My name is Joshua Phillip. I'm an investigative reporter at the epoch times in New York, writing about the Chinese communist parties, programs of espionage and unconventional warfare for well over a decade. Videos and messages from Chinese citizens leaking through the censorship suggested the situation was much worse than what the Virgin was reporting. As my research progress initial answers turned into more questions. I soon realized there was much more to the story than we were being told. Today the corona virus is impacting over a hundred countries around the world. Billions of lives are ruins and from what is said by the Chinese communist party. This allegedly started spontaneously in the seafood market in Wuhan China.

Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, the largest city in central China. Wuhan seafood market is located in Jianghan district of Wuhan city. There's a large comprehensive market that includes pork and a variety of frozen seafood flavored spices as well as some game meats. The first thing that received public attention about the epidemic was an internal notice from the Wuhan health commission. There has been a continuous occurrence of pneumonia cases of unknown thoughts. The notice issued on December 30 2019 clearly required all medical units to report similar cases of unknown pneumonia. The notice started spreading online and on December 31st, 2019 the Wuhan health commission issued a public notice for the first time saying that some medical institutions found a link between the pneumonia cases and the Huanhan sea food market. However, the notice pointed out that there was no evidence of obvious human to human and no infection among medical personnel.

On January 1st, 2020 the Huanhan seafood market posted a notice of closure. This was followed by a thorough clean up of the market, which as an investigative reporter seemed rushed. One he, a well known Hong Kong expert echoed my concern that the move was like destroying the crimes. Since then, Wu Han officials have repeatedly said that most cases of pneumonia in Wuhan have a history of exposure to the Huanhan seafood market. On January 26 the Institute of virology of China CDC announced that 33 of the 585 environmental samples from the Huanhan seafood market were found to contain the novel Corona virus, nucleic acid, and the virus was successfully isolated from the positive culture samples suggesting that the virus originated from wild animals sold at the market.

At this point, Huanhan seafood market being the source of the epidemic became an official conclusion. A few days later, however, a report from the journal science published online challenged that story. The report cited a paper in the Lancet, one of the world's top medical journals and questioned whether Wuhan's novel, Coronavirus pneumonia, did not have originated at the market. The paper titled clinical features of patients infected the 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan China was published in the Lancet on January 24th the first author of the paper is Long Chow Lin, deputy director of Jing Huanhan hospital. The first designated hospital for treatment of unknown pneumonia in Yuan. Why would this come as a challenge to the official narrative?

I think that this journal article is very important to review a lot of important inflammations or you dump all these. Lets talk about the first patient onset, what's actually on December 1st. These patients not related to Huanhan sea food market. And also no any article association was found between the first patient and subsequent patient. And then also on these paper would talk about on December 10th there was three more onset cases, two are which were not related to Huanhan sea food market wholesale. Major discoveries there are a total of 41 patients were counted in his paper and 14 of them proved to be unrelated to the seafood market. A counting for more than one cert, no one sounds a bet at the seafood market to, and the official from CDCs did a mention they'd find Andy bets in a sea food market too.

Certainly the Lancet paper showing that suppose it patients zero was nowhere near the market. Secondly, that there are no bats in the seafood market or anywhere close. The idea of this spread so fast through a population. Just the way it was said through the seafood market is highly unlikely and improbable.

On January 29th the Lancet republishes an analysis of 99 confirmed cases at Jinyintan hospital of which 50 had no history of exposure to the seafood market. According to the new England journal of the 425 cases, confirm 45 cases onset before January. First had no history of exposure to the seafood market. Notably the authors of the two lands at papers in the new England journal of medicine or doctors and medical experts in mainland China. Daniel Lucey an epidemiologist of the university of Georgetown said in response to the Lancet paper that if the data were accurate, the first case would have been infected by the virus already in November, 2019 because of the incubation period between infection and symptoms, this would mean that the virus was quietly spreading between people in some parts of Wuhan before the cluster of cases with a history of exposure. The Huanhan seafood market began in December 15. The first expert group from the national health commission arrived in Wuhan as early as December 31st, 2019 the expert panel established a set of diagnostic criteria after investigating Jinyintan hospital of Wuhan that stipulated a history of contact with Huanhan seafood market.

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The Truth About The Coronavirus Madness

We live in fear of that person who coughed right next to you or the person down the street that doesn't look that well. "Oh my God, I got to stay away from them!". Every year, about 1% of the population will die from every flu that comes up every year! It's no different than flu; it's just a bad flu! It's dangerous, except for this; it can be treated!

The coronoavirus is a flu virus. And they want to say It's not the flu! And I go, look; a flu has a range of symptomology. You've experienced that range yourself. With some flus you don't even know you already had the flu. The immune system takes it and runs with it so fast that it eliminates the symptoms even before they manifest. You may had flus in the past and didn't even know you had it because the active immune system would eliminate it.

First of all, let's understand something: what is flu and what is cold season all about? There are numbe of different viruses, rhinoviruses and coronaviruses that annually show up every year and bring us all the symptoms of a flu or a cold. The viruses that affect the respiratory system, where the air is coming in and going out. Air's coming in and going out, are viruses that actually replicate at temperatures below body temperature. Whena virus of this cold nature infects a cell, it doesn't replicate it 98.6 at 37 degrees. That's too warm.

So basically, if the temperature drop a couple of degrees, then the virus kicks in so the virus doesn't operate at body temperature; it operates at a colder than body temperature. That's why flu season is associated with winter. The average person is going to have flu symptoms that range from I didn't even know I had the coronavirus. To respiratory distress. That is the threatening problem!

And the respiratory distress means that the symptomology has pushed the system and the respiratory influence of thos viruses down your respiratory tract from your throat all the way down in your lungs is open for infection by this virus. It could get worse! It's dangerous, except for this: it can be treated! So having respirotory distress is not the end problem. If you can get treatment, it will go away. It's a bad flue! The largest portion of the population is not going to die, even though the news media threat is... They didn't come on and say 'Flu season is going to be aggresive this year! Take care of yourself!'

They come on and say 'Aggresive flu is going to kill up to millons of peopel!' And its like 'Geez!' As soon as I hear that it's like ok, it's not a regular year now, it's like I could die; millions of people; that includes me!' And the fear becoming a problem but it some countries they started testing everybody! And gues what they found. About 50% of the population that was tested had previously been exposed to this virus, but has no symptoms. In other words, there's a massive number of people, 50% of the population, that was tested and had already been exposed to the virus and... they had no symptoms!

It means a very important fact: that their immune system is working so good that even though they were exposed to the virus, That virus was not able to overtake the system because of the strengh of their immnue system. The bigger problem you have is the fear of the viurs and a fear response! The biology of the body changes to put eneergy into escaping the fear. That proveribal fear is the saber-toothead tiger that chases us.

When the consciousness of protection is required, then the biology will adapt to a protection response that shuts down the growth and maintenance of the body; That shuts down the immune system. Stress shuts down the immune system to conserve energy. We're all going to manage the coronavirus! Yes, you could get respirory problem and it could be distressing, but gues what? It's not that it can't be treated! It can be treated

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