Experts Worry That Millennials See Their Health Decline Faster Than The Generation

Millennials See Their Health Decline Faster

Moody's Analytics (Moody's Analytics) report analyzes the "Blue Cross Blue Shield health index " data, which said: "With age, Millennials’ health declined faster than the previous generation". It further suggested that "In the absence of intervention, Millennials mortality rate is likely to rise than the same age X-Xers more than 40%". Pew Research Center for the millennial generation is defined as Americans born in 1981 to 1996's.

These declines will lead to increased demand for treatment, which may have serious financial implications for medical costs.

It is unlikely that the trend will reverse quickly. Men and women in their thirties marry at rates lower than each previous generation.

The report states: "In the worst-case scenario, millennials are expected to spend 33% more on treatment than Gen-Xers at the same age." "Millennials' poor health will keep them from being like others. This way of contributing to the economy is reflected in rising unemployment and slowing income growth. "

Hypertension, cholesterol, depression or overactivity, the several ills of this generation, are related to a way of life less healthy than that of their seniors of the generation X - that were born after the baby-boomers. "Without intervention, the Millennials could see mortality rates increase by more than 40% compared to Generation X," the study points out.

Even with record levels of education, millennial problems have delayed the passage of the traditional stages of adulthood so that it should change the demographic and economic boundaries of the nation by the end of the century.

Millennials have helped bring the number of births in the United States to their lowest level in 32 years. This means there will be fewer employees in the future to support Social Security and other public programs for a growing retiree population.

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