Being Busy All The Time Kills Your Creativity

Busy All The Time

Being constantly busy can make us more productive, but that does not make us more creative. The best ideas come to you in the moments of leisure and contemplation when you let the spirit wander.

A recent study has analyzed how busy being does away with our creativity.

Emma from Stanford University explains that the idea is to balance linear thinking, which requires intense concentration with creative thinking – you reach that mental state during inactivity. The change between the two modes seems to be the optimal way to do a good creative job.

The overabundance of information prevents us from getting into that mental state. This undermines not only the will but also the creativity.

As Emma points out, many of the brightest minds in the world have made important discoveries while doing nothing. Nikola Tesla had an idea of ​​the rotation of magnetic fields during a quiet walk in Budapest. Albert Einstein enjoyed relaxing and listening to Mozart during intense brainstorming breaks.

But how to disconnect at a time when bosses, colleagues and friends require you to have a continuous connection? Here are some suggestions for you from the expert:

  • Take a long walk without your phone as part of your daily routine.
  • Get out of your comfort zone.
  • Invest more time for fun and play.
  • Alternate between concentrated work and less intellectually demanding activities.

Regardless of your profession, a flexible mind open to new ideas and approaches is very valuable. Just losing it to check for the latest tweet or posting an irrelevant selfie is a tragedy.

Developing your creativity has become a critical issue nowadays. Whether in the workplace or in our private life, being creative and finding original solutions to problems is a great asset.

The good news is that we are all creative. It’s just that you may have forgotten how to use this tremendous potential that each of us have in us.

The purpose of this research was to give you concrete and directly applicable ways to improve your creative mind. Remember that one of the first qualities in creativity is openness! So be open to new ideas and explore the world outside your comfort zone.

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