Tricks And Tips To Improve Your Brain?


Have there been cases when you are frantically trying to remember someone's name, fact or place - and simply cannot do it?

We often hear that with age, memory deteriorates and the same thing happens with other cognitive functions of the brain like logical thinking.

However, do not worry. There are a number of ways that can help “change wiring” in your brain and improve its performance.

1. Exercise

As it turns out, the brain really grows from a regular load on the body.

In particular, synapses, the contact points of neurons, increase in size. There are more cells in the brain, and new connections arise between them.

A healthy heart provides the brain with a large amount of oxygen and glucose, and also detoxifies.

And if you're lucky enough to work out in the fresh air, a portion of the vitamin D we need so much is added to this.

Try to introduce an element of novelty into physical exercises: perform them in different places and in different companies. Then the forming cells will have more chances to connect into the correct chain.

For example, if you like to delve into the ground, select a site where you can meet new people while you are doing what you love.

The main thing is to enjoy what you do. This helps to increase the effectiveness of exercises, including for the brain.

2. Load memory in motion

The effectiveness of this method is proven and well known to the actors: if you try to remember something new on the go, information is more likely to settle in your head.

Next time, rehearsing a performance in public, try to do it on the go or in dance.

3. Charge your brain with the right food.

The brain absorbs approximately 20% of all sugar and energy consumed by the body and is highly dependent on the level of glucose in the blood.

When sugar gets out of control, the brain protests - and you feel it.

When we eat delicious food, dopamine is released into the pleasure center in the brain. Therefore, we like delicious food.

However, positive emotions are needed not only to the brain, but also to the stomach.

About 100 trillion microbes are registered in the human digestive system, and their balance is extremely important for the health of the brain associated with the digestive system of the complex neural chain.

Moreover, the stomach is often called the "second brain." A varied and healthy diet is what the stomach microorganisms need to live happily. And with them - your brain.

Brain cells are made from fats, so fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet. The fatty acids found in nuts, avocados and fish (as well as turmeric and rosemary) are very good for producing new brain cells.

By the way, eating at the company is also beneficial - it helps the brain consolidate the effect of the absorption of wholesome food.

4. Give the brain a break

Moderate stress is needed - this helps us mobilize in times of danger. Stress provokes the production of the hormone cortisol, which, when injected into the blood in short “bursts,” helps us focus.

However, a prolonged sense of anxiety and high levels of stress are toxic to the brain.

Therefore, it is extremely important to learn to “disconnect” from time to time in order to give a respite to this part of the brain. By turning it off, you are actually training another area.

There is a special network in the brain that gives us the ability to dream, and is also important for strengthening memory.

So the next time you are caught in the clouds while you work, explain that you were doing critical exercises for the brain.

If you find it difficult to disconnect from the outside world. try techniques like meditation that help reduce the release of stress hormones to acceptable levels.

5. Set new challenges

In order to properly unleash the brain, you need to throw him tasks that he had not encountered before.

Start learning a foreign language or go in for art - this will help keep your brain in shape.

Or fight with family or friends in an online game. This is not only an exercise for the brain, but also social interaction, which only benefits him.

6. Turn on the music

There is evidence that music stimulates the brain in a very special way.

At the encephalogram, the brain of a person listening to or performing a piece of music is almost entirely active.

Music can improve a person’s ability to know as a whole, and, for example, with dementia, musical memory disappears one of the last.

Don't know how to play the guitar or the piano? It doesn’t matter - sing in a choir or buy a ticket for a concert of your favorite band.

7. Get ready for exams in a dream

If you memorized or learned something new during the day, a neural connection between the individual cells forms in your brain. When you fall asleep, this connection intensifies - and what you have learned is remembered.

Suppose a person needs to remember a list of things to do for the future. If he re-reads the list before going to bed, in the morning he will remember the list better than in the evening after reading it in the morning of the same day.

Therefore, if you are preparing for the exam, scroll through the answers to the questions in your head when you are already falling asleep.

For the same reason, it’s better not to recall the trouble that happened to you at night. This can “drive” it into memory and strengthen the negative emotions associated with it.

And don't watch horror movies at night! It is better to concentrate on the pleasant events that happened during the day.

8. Learn to wake up properly

That sleep is good is no secret to anyone. Less than five hours - and your thinking becomes somewhat dull. More than ten - and it’s as if you got off the plane after a long flight.

But to function in full force during the day, it is not enough to sleep enough - you need to wake up correctly.

Ideally, you should sleep in a dark room and wake up gradually, along with daylight.

Light penetrates closed eyelids and “cock” the brain, which improves control over the production of cortisol. The amount of this hormone at the time of awakening affects the way the brain functions throughout the day.

Set a “smart” alarm clock that gradually increases lighting and helps you wake up naturally. If you sleep soundly, you should not forget about the traditional sound signal: just to not oversleep!

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