Concussions and Chiropractic Care: A Closer Look at Recovery

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Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury that used to mainly raise concerns following falls or car accidents. Nowadays, the fear of concussions spans all sorts of activities, from leisure pursuits to youth sports. Young children are particularly at risk, but a well-informed community can reduce fear and provide the right knowledge on how to both prevent and handle these injuries.

It seems that the older you get, the less likely you are to suffer a concussion. High schoolers, with their bustling schedules, are particularly vulnerable to head injuries. In fact, around 2.5 million high schoolers reported a concussion in 2017 from sports or other activities. These injuries can affect everything from bodily functions to brain performance, and younger individuals often need longer to recover, requiring careful attention to their mental and emotional health.

Interestingly, about 15.1% of these students felt they might have had more than one concussion over the year, and 6% reported more than two. Athletes playing multiple sports are even more at risk. However, students not involved in sports aren’t safe from harm—activities like band, dance, and cheerleading also come with risks.

One major issue is that concussions often go unreported. Roughly 40% of affected students said their symptoms went unrecognized by coaches or teachers. Continuing activities post-concussion can heighten the risk of further injury. That’s why many high school sports bodies are pushing for better education on concussions for coaches and teachers to ensure students are properly cared for and don’t resume activities too soon.

Chiropractic care is becoming increasingly recognized as vital in the recovery from concussions. Our bodies have certain limits for tissue damage, and the jolts to the head and neck often seen in concussions can also harm the cervical spine. Research supports that issues in the cervical spine can mirror concussion symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and problems with memory and vision.

Proper spinal assessments and treatment can significantly aid recovery after a brain injury. Focusing on the cervical spine is crucial, and the growing body of evidence supports this as a key recovery component. Chiropractic methods offer a non-painful way to help the body return to optimal functioning and health. More than just treating symptoms, chiropractic care can improve overall performance and quality of life following a concussion.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report June 22, 2018
"Self-Reported Concussions from Playing a Sport or Being Physically Active Among High School Students - United States, 2017."
L Depadilla, G Miller, S Everett Jones, A Peterson

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