Look Up – 2020 Chemtrail Documentary

All of you can start looking up and seeing this. The United States government. NASA, the US Air Force is sending up canisters into the atmosphere filled with chemicals.

Another example is the array of technologies often referred to collectively as geo engineering. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection or SAI. A method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that have fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly as promising as it may be moving forward on. SAI would also raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community and other geo engineering initiatives.

Another example is the array of technologies often referred to collectively as geo engineering. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection or SAI. A method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that have fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly as promising as it may be moving forward on. SAI would also raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community and other geo engineering initiatives.

We shall propose further cooperative effort between all the nation in weather prediction and eventually in weather control. What we're seeing now, and I first could not believe it and I started looking at the skies and these are not normal, they're not natural. There's something going on. I don't know who it is or why they're doing it. All I can testify is it's not natural and it's not normal. It's gotta be some outside influence doing that. I'm here to give you testimony that chem trails, they're not contrary. Owls are indeed real.

They're spraying almost every day. I watched the clouds and watched the spraying program going on. I want to tell you that we're in very great danger from the pollution that's coming down over us and we've been led astray by the military industrial complex and they're responsible for the clouds creation and weather manipulation programs. They're dark operations. When you look up at the sun and you see a white haze that is aluminum floating in the air right now and it's coming from the aircraft. You want some fingers? Okay. Latest water test tested the rain, 13,100 micrograms per liter of aluminum in the rain in 2013 normally it should be zero. If people are finding contamination, wouldn't they come here to address it? but nothing's being done.

I die. You know, I don't know where, no, we're investigating this in. There's a, there's a huge concern and that people are getting sick. Well, I mean we've interviewed several people. We've been here for a week. Yeah. So there you're saying there was no concern. I mean there is a concern. Many people in the County have have told us that they've addressed specifically with you this very issue and they're saying nothing's being done. Barium aluminum is being dumped out of airplanes because they can see it in the concrete rails. Okay. Here, here's my question. If there's aluminum contamination, which is very toxic, is that something that you're supposed to deal with?

It's in the air. It appears that there is contamination. Does that concern you? I mean personally get those either. Does it concern you? If there is. Your flat out tonight doesn't appear to me that there's contaminated. Okay. If somebody could prove that there was, would you be willing to look into this? NO. So even if they did air quality tests, I mean who would have to do the test for you to recognize that it would be a problem. The federal government's doing the testing they have? That wasn't his question. They would have. The reason, no way that we could do to test. The reason we asked for you is because many people told us that this information has been presented to you. Many people also believe that you're involved with the cover up and that concerns a lot of people. I'm here with Kristen Megan, who's actually a us military whistleblower. She has an amazing, fascinating story that we will share with you here today. Now, Kristen, she tells us what branch of the military you are in and what you uncovered.

Sure. Um, I wa was in the air force on active duty for nine years and I worked in bio environmental engineering. Uh, one part of that process was to approve chemicals, has this materials, you know, what are you using, why do you need it, where's it being used? And tracking that disposal. Um, after it'd been brought to my attention about chem trails or Jew engineering, I ice think it was crazy. It actually was disrespectful to my line of work because here we are trying to prevent environmental aspects and impacts, um, and not have anybody get sick from our operations. But in an attempt to debunk, I had changed my life. I started noticing things. I started noticing large quantities on the system where I would approve chemicals that did not have a manufacturer name. Wasn't tied to a building. And when I started asking questions, um, I slowly became demonized.

Um, couple of years pass after that when I asked again and people realized I was kind of being more vocal about it on social media, I was starting to be thrown into a mental institution and have my daughter taken away. That changed my life. I no longer view the military the same way. And I feel like after nine years of trying to uphold an oath, I'm able to do that now. I feel they're getting ready to admit it and they're trying to sell it to us. You know, it's kinda like they sell vaccines to us. They sell fluoride to us. You know, fluoride isn't is a mining waste product. How can we make that good, you know, put it in your water. So I think that they're trying to now kind of admit it and act like they're going to start doing it in, they've already been doing it.

Okay. She's got the snow land. Let's see what it does. It's not dripping at all. Okay. So I seen these things on YouTube about these snow not melting and just turning black.when you put fire to it. Someone go outside here, get some snow. This snow I just picked up outside. I'm just packing it in. Here's the snow I just picked up. You guys saw me pick it up outside off my porch. Check this out. Dude, that is weird. It doesn't melt. There's no drops of water. That is weird. That is weird man. Look it. Just like turns black. Yes. I haven't seen one drip

In the snow on Mount Shasta. Pristine Mount Shasta 61,000 micrograms per liter four times the amount that is found in the soil up there. Where the hell is this stuff coming from?

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