Allergy Seasons Are Getting Tougher, But Chiropractic Might Help

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Did you know that the allergy seasons are not just sticking around longer but also hitting harder than ever? Thanks to rising temperatures and more carbon dioxide in the air, those pesky allergy symptoms are intensifying and extending their stay. Dr. Jeffrey Demain, a top allergist and immunologist, highlighted this troubling trend at a recent meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology. He pointed out that allergy seasons could last up to 27 days longer now than they did a decade ago, affecting an increasing portion of the global population.

But before you dive into your medicine cabinet for relief, there's an interesting alternative you might want to consider. Understanding why allergies hit some people hard while others breeze through pollen season could change how we handle these seasonal foes. It turns out, not everyone reacts to pollen—an allergen often blamed for our misery—the same way. Imagine a room filled with pollen; surprisingly, only a few might end up sneezing or rubbing their eyes. This reaction, or lack thereof, boils down to how well our bodies can adapt to allergens.

Think of it like a bucket filling with water. The bucket represents our body's capacity to handle allergens like pollen. Everyone's bucket size varies, and for those who don't seem to suffer from allergies, their buckets are just never overwhelmed by the allergens. The secret lies in enhancing our body's ability to adapt and keep that bucket from spilling over.

This is where chiropractic care comes into play. It might sound surprising, but aligning your spine and improving your posture could bolster your immune system. A study from 2010 found that chiropractic care could boost the levels of immune-producing antibodies in the blood. Along with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and managing stress through practices like yoga and meditation, chiropractic care could be a pivotal strategy in managing allergies.

Typically, antihistamines are the go-to remedy for allergies, but they don't tackle the root cause and often come with side effects. For those seeking a drug-free approach, chiropractic offers a safe alternative, helping the body to naturally overcome allergic reactions by improving its overall ability to adapt and respond to environmental stressors.

Here are a few tips to support your body in the fight against allergies:

  1. Stick to regular chiropractic check-ups and maintain good posture, especially if you spend a lot of time at a desk.
  2. Cut back on sugar and refined carbs, which can aggravate inflammation.
  3. Engage in stress-reducing activities like yoga, deep breathing exercises, and meditation.
  4. Keep active with walking, jogging, or more intense exercises like interval training and weight lifting.
  5. Drink plenty of water—aim for half your body weight in ounces each day.

By adopting these practices, you're not just easing your symptoms but potentially reducing your sensitivity to allergens in the long run.

The Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy - April 2014

"Changes in biochemical makers of pain perception and stress response after spinal manipulation" G Plaza-Manzano, F Molina-Ortega, R Lomas-Vega, A Martinez-Amat, A Achlandabaso, F Hita-Contreras

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