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Up to 90% Of All Doctor Visits Originate From This…

Up to 90% Of All Doctor Visits Originate From This

Stress kills. Doctors and health professionals agree that chronic stress attacks the body and systematically destroys an otherwise healthy organism. Research published in 2008 showed that up to ninety percent of all primary care doctor visits dealt with stress-related complaints. Millions of people receive medical advice that links stress relief to pharmaceutical drug use. Safe,

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New Research on Headaches, Depression and Chiropractic

New Research on Headaches, Depression and Chiropractic

The most important improvements from a Chiropractic adjustment occur in the brain and nervous system. The latest research on headaches and depression reports that, “autonomic dysfunction plays a role in the pathogenesis of tension-type headaches and depressive disorders.” The research indicates why so many people suffering from headaches find relief through Chiropractic adjustments.

Runners Gain a Competitive Advantage with Chiropractic

Runners Gain a Competitive Advantage with Chiropractic

Elite and amateur runners consistently seek tools, strategies, and resources which deliver a competitive advantage on the track or running course. Chiropractic spinal adjustments provide a unique advantage to runners that augment their benefits from food, supplements, specific training protocols, and other manual care. All recreational and competitive runners deserve to experience how Chiropractic care maximizes training, performance, and recovery.

Research proves Chiropractic provides unparalleled relief

A Pain In The Neck? Research Proves Chiropractic Provides Unparalleled Relief

Neck pain causes a major public health concern. Studies estimate that over half of all people will experience an episode of neck pain at some point in their lifetime. Most neck pain sufferers will rely on symptom-numbing medications for relief. Long term concern radiates from the fact that medications simply cut off the pain signal temporarily. The body’s pain receptors become numbed while never addressing the cause of the pain.

Chiropractic & Migraine Headaches

Chiropractic & Migraine Headaches

Headaches pester and annoy tens of millions of people every day. Migraine sufferers experience the most
excruciating pain and discomfort imaginable. Millions of these attacks impact people with severe headaches that
last for hours or days accompanied by nausea, vomiting, flashes of light, blind spots, tingling in the arms and legs,
and sensitivity to light and sound. More than 90% of migraine sufferers cannot work or function normally during
an episode.

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